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French-English translation for: [party]
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Dictionary French English: [party]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

cuis. (bien) arrosé {adj} [fam.] [soirée etc.]boozy [coll.] [party etc.]
pol. sans étiquette {adj}independent [not belonging to or supported by a political party]
animéswinging [sl.] [party: lively]
s'inscrire à qc. [un club, parti]to enter sth. [club, party]
soirée {f}
social [coll.] [party]
cuis. apéritif {m} dînatoire[drinks and snack party]
cuis. apéritif {m} dinatoire [aussi : apéritif dînatoire][drinks and snack party]
le troisième larron {m} [fig.] [littéraire][the third party who benefits from a division between two others]
bringue {f} [fam.] [fête excessive]bash [coll.] [extravagant party]
teuf {f} [fam.] [verlan : fête]bash [coll.] [party]
pince-fesses {m} [fam.] [fête]bash [coll.] [party]
farandole {f} [de soirée]conga [party dance]
pol. flirt {m}dalliance [fig.] [e.g. with an idea, a political party]
pince-fesses {m} [fam.] [fête]do [coll.] [party]
pol. Parti {m} Républicain [aux États-Unis]GOP [Am.] <Grand Old Party> [Republican Party in the USA]
écol. pol. écolo {m} [fam.] [écologiste]Green [belonging to a Green Party]
écol. pol. écolo {f} [fam.] [écologiste]Green [female] [belonging to a Green Party]
fête {f}junket [party, feast]
adhérente {f} [membre d'un parti etc.]member [female] [of a party etc.]
adhérent {m} [membre d'un parti, etc.]member [of a party etc.]
langue {f} de belle-mère [accessoire]noisemaker [party horn]
java {f} [fam.] [fête tapageuse]shindig [coll.] [raucous party]
grande fête {f}thrash [Br.] [coll.] [big party]
2 Words: Nouns
pol. comité {m} centralCentral Committee [of a communist party]
math. pol. méthode {f} D'HondtD'Hondt method [also: Jefferson method or the greatest divisors method] [method for allocating seats in parliaments in party-list proportional representation systems]
pol. Front {m} National <FN> [parti politique]National Front [French party] <FN>
hist. pol. Parti {m} national-socialiste des travailleurs allemandsNazi Party [short for: National Socialist German Workers' Party]
hist. pol. relig. Union {f} protestante [1608 - 1621] [aussi : Union évangélique]Protestant Union [1608 - 1621] [also: Evangelical Union, Union of Auhausen, German Union or the Protestant Action Party]
pol. écolos {m.pl}The Greens [party]
3 Words: Others
de base {adj}rank and file [e.g. members of a political party]
3 Words: Verbs
faire irruption dans qc.to burst in on sth. [party, discussion, etc.]
faire la bringue [fam.]to have a bash [coll.] [party thoroughly]
3 Words: Nouns
cuis. cinq à sept {m} [can.] [fam.]afternoon get-together [in Quebec] [similar to a happy hour, cocktail party, or wine and cheese, held approximately between 5 and 7 p.m.]
pol. Alternative {f} pour l'Allemagne <AfD>Alternative for Germany <AfD> [political party]
pol. base {f}rank and file [e.g. members of a political party]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Le Repas de nocesThe Catered Affair [also: Wedding Party] [Richard Brooks]
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