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French-English translation for: [pick-up]
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Dictionary French English: [pick up]

Translation 1 - 50 of 100  >>

remontant {m}tonic [pick-me-up]
reprendre qn.to collect sb. [pick up]
Partial Matches
méd. pharm. fortifiant {m}restorative [tonic, pick-me-up]
passer prendre qn./qc.to collect sb./sth. [pick up]
trains rampe {f}gradient [up]
éclairci {adj} {past-p}clarified [cleared up]
ragaillardi {adj} {past-p}refreshed [perked up]
rangerto clean [tidy up]
montage {m} [assemblement]assembly [set-up]
inform. démarrer qc.to boot sth. [start up]
replier qc.to collapse sth. [fold up]
inventer qc.to conceive sth. [think up]
se mettre deboutto rise [get up]
jusqu'ici {adv}thus far [up to now]
agr. zool. transhumance {f}cattle drive [up to alpine pastures]
tabasser qn.to lam sb. [coll.] [beat up]
supporter qn.to stand sb. [put up with]
étayer qc. [raisonnement]to support sth. [back up]
jusqu'à présentthus far [up to now]
veiller [rester éveillé]to sit up [stay up]
nouveau genre {adj}modern [up-to-date; often pej.: newfangled]
piler qn. [fam.]to lam sb. [coll.] [beat up]
tabasser qn.to shellac sb. [Am.] [sl.] [beat up]
scinder qc.to split sth. [split up, break down]
constr. étançonner qc.to support sth. [prop up, brace, underpin]
se dessaisir de qc.to yield sth. [give up]
sous huitaine {adv}next week [up to maximum 8 days]
ragaillardir qn.to pep sb. up [coll.] [cheer up]
boucler qn. [fam.]to shut sb. up [lock up]
ichtyo. vêt. cuissarde {f}hip wader [extending up to the mid-thigh]
hydro. ensablé {adj} {past-p} [estuaire]filled with sand [postpos.] [silted up]
hydro. ensabler [port, chenal]to fill with sand [silt up]
Ça va ? [loc.](')Sup? [sl.] [idiom] [What's up?]
faire avec qc. [fam.]to accept sth. [put up with]
frayer qc.to clear sth. [open up a way through]
coffrer qn. [fam.]to nick sb. [Br.] [coll.] [lock up]
donner suite à qc. [projet]to pursue sth. [follow up]
mettre qc. à jourto upgrade sth. [bring up-to-date]
dr. coup {m} de filet [fig.] [fam.]sweep [raid, round-up]
occulter qc. [réalité, problème]to gloss over sth. [cover up]
laper qc.to lap (at) sth. [lick up with tongue]
faire fissa [fam.]to shake a leg [coll.] [hurry up]
auto écraser l'accélérateurto step on it [idiom] [hurry up]
à la dernière mode {adj}modern [up-to-date; often pej.: newfangled]
replier qc. [parapluie]to close sth. [fold up] [e.g. umbrella]
monter qc. de toutes piècesto fabricate sth. [make sth. up]
monter qc. de toutes piècesto invent sth. [make sth. up]
requinquer qn. [fam.] [regonfler]to pep sb. up [coll.] [cheer up]
auto écraser le champignon [fam.]to step on it [idiom] [hurry up]
perdre la boussole [fam.] [perdre la raison]to snap [coll.] [crack up]
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