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| délicat {adj} [domaine, affaire, secteur, dossier, point, moment] | sensitive | |
| fuyant {adj} {pres-p} [point, horizon] | receding | |
| ponctuel {adj} [relatif à un point précis] | one-off | |
Verbs |
| sport concéder qc. [point, corner] | to give sth. away [concede] | |
| démentir qc. [point de vue, prévision] | to contradict sth. | |
| sport perdre qc. [au tennis] | to drop sth. [point] | |
| présenter qc. [objections, point de vue] | to set sth. out [expound] | |
| revenir [venir à nouveau - au point de départ] | to get back | |
| roder qc. [fig.] [mettre progressivement au point] | to polish sth. up [bring up to scratch] | |
| roder qc. [fig.] [mettre progressivement au point] | to bring sth. up to scratch | |
| s'avancer [donner son point de vue] | to commit oneself | |
Nouns |
| pointe {f} | 2 tip [point] | |
| sport [la finale tendue dans la course à un championnat de la ligue, esp. du point de vue des leaders.] {noun} | squeaky bum time [Br.] [coll.] | |
| sport arrivée {f} [sport, point final] | finish | |
| géogr. Brocken {m} [point culminant du Harz, en Allemagne] | Brocken [also: Blocksberg] | |
| dr. chicane {f} [point de détail] | delaying tactics {pl} | |
| clou {m} [point culminant] | high spot [climax of act, holiday, visit etc.] | |
| hist. mil. étendard {m} | standard [symbol of a military group serving as a rallying point] | |
| foyer {m} [point de rencontre] | foyer [e.g. in a cinema] | |
| comm. kiosque {m} [petit point de vente] | kiosk | |
| comm. kiosque {m} [petit point de vente] | kiosque | |
| nœud {m} [point essentiel] | crux | |
| tech. paille {f} [point faible] | flaw | |
| paroxysme {m} [point culminant] | peak [pinnacle, climax] | |
| perspective {f} [point de vue] | point of view | |
| pointe {f} | spike [sharp point] | |
| référence {f} [point de référence] | benchmark | |
| tournant {m} | turn [change in direction, changing point] | |
| tournant {m} | watershed [turning point] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| convaincre qn. de qc. [point de vue] | to win sb. over to sth. [e.g. point of view] | |
| disputer de qc. [question, point] | to debate sth. | |
| s'arrêter sur qc. [texte, point, proposition] | to dwell on sth. | |
| se perfectionner [être mis au point] | to be perfected | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| point {m} culminant | peak [summit, top, high point] | |
| sport point {m} décisif | decider [point] | |
| point {m} faible | Achilles heel [fig.] [weak point, flaw] | |
| point {m} litigieux | issue [contentious point] | |
3 Words: Others |
| pendant la semaine {adv} | in the week [point in time] | |
| pour ma part [point de vue] | for my part [as far as I'm concerned] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| avoir failli faire qc. [être sur le point de] | to have almost done sth. | |
| dénoter sa générosité | to speak of his generosity [idiom] [point to, indicate] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| géogr. Aoraki/mont Cook {m} [fait partie des Alpes du Sud et est le point culminant de la Nouvelle-Zélande] | Aoraki / Mount Cook | |
| comm. artisans {m.pl} du monde [point de vente du commerce équitable] | fair trade shop {sg} | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sempach [1386] | Battle of Sempach [1386] [decisive victory for the Old Swiss Confederacy against Austria - a turning point in the growth of Switzerland] | |
| hist. Marie {f} de Bourgogne [1457-1482] | Mary of Burgundy [1457-1482] [Duchess of Burgundy 1477 until death. She married Maximilian of Habsburg, a turning point in European politics] | |
| météo. phys. point {m} de congélation | freezing [freezing point] | |
| point {m} de départ | springboard [starting point] | |
| math. point {m} de Fermat | Fermat point [also: Torricelli point or Fermat–Torricelli point] | |
| math. point {m} de Steiner | Fermat point [also: Torricelli point or Fermat–Torricelli point] | |
| math. point {m} de Torricelli | Fermat point [also: Torricelli point or Fermat–Torricelli point] | |
| point {m} de vue | angle [point of view] | |
| point {m} de vue | slant [point of view] | |
| point {m} de vue | standpoint [point of view] | |
| math. premier point {m} isogonique | Fermat point [also: Torricelli point or Fermat–Torricelli point] | |
| math. théorie {f} des lieux | pointless topology [point-free topology] | |
| math. théorie {f} des locales | pointless topology [point-free topology] | |
| math. topologie {f} sans points | pointless topology [point-free topology] | |
4 Words: Others |
| de but en blanc {adv} | bluntly [directly, point-blank] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| présenter qc. point par point | to itemise sth. [Br.] | |
| présenter qc. point par point | to itemize sth. | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| comm. fin. terminal {m} de paiement électronique <TPE> | POS terminal [short for: point of sale] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| annoncer tout de but en blanc [loc.] | to go like a bull at a gate [idiom] [come straight to the point] | |
| apporter une correction à une déclaration [mise au point] | to qualify a statement | |
| arriver avec ses gros sabots [loc.] | to go like a bull at a gate [idiom] [come straight to the point] | |
| ne pas y aller par quatre chemins [loc.] | to go like a bull at a gate [idiom] [come straight to the point] | |
| ne pas y aller par quatre chemins [loc.] | to not beat about the bush [idiom] [come straight to the point] | |
| édition reprendre un texte point par point | to go over a text point by point | |