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French-English translation for: [price]
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Dictionary French English: [price]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

compétitif {adj} [prix]competitive [price]
exorbitant {adj} [prix]exorbitant [price]
exorbitant {adj} [prix]extortionate [coll.] [price]
négociable {adj}negotiable [price]
prohibitif {adj} [interdit, prix]prohibitive [forbidding; price: exceedingly high]
fin. hors de prix {adj}prohibitive [price, cost]
comm. abordable {adj} [peu cher - prix]reasonable [price]
to advance [price, rent]
fixer qc. [prix, date]
to determine sth. [settle : date, price]
fixer qc.
to fix sth. [mirror, sign, date, price]
monterto advance [price, rent]
augmenterto climb [price, cost]
hausser [vieilli] [valeur, prix]to rise [value, price]
écon. fin. bondir [prix, devise]to rocket [coll.] [fig.] [price, currency]
écon. fin. bondir [prix, devise]to soar [price, currency]
transp. prix {m} du billetfare [ticket price on trains and planes]
comm. fin. hausse {f}hike [coll.] [rise in price]
modicité {f}moderateness [lowness of price]
comm. market. soldes {m.pl}sale {sg} [reduced-price offering]
comm. market. soldes {m.pl}sales [at reduced price]
2 Words
comm. assimilable {adj} [abordable]easily acquired [affordable price]
comm. fin. démarqué {adj} {past-p} [produit]marked down [in price]
fin. être à débattre [prix, salaire etc.]to be negotiable [price, salary etc.]
fin. fléchir [prix]to come down [e.g. price]
comm. fin. hausser qc. [prix]to hike sth. up [coll.] [increase a price]
comm. fin. prix {m} de vente conseillé <PVC>list price [recommended retail price]
3 Words
fin. C'est un peu fort ! [fam.]That's pretty steep! [idiom] [relating to a price quotation]
fin. se vendre cher [objet]to fetch a lot [achieve a high price]
fin. faire un bond de 70 % [prix]to jump by 70% [price]
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