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French-English translation for: [qc]
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Dictionary French English: [qc]

Translation 1 - 50 of 419  >>

French English
[fait d'égarer / de perdre qc.]misplacement
infoutu {adj} [fam.] [de faire qc.]inable
infoutu {adj} [fam.] [de faire qc.]incapable
infoutu {adj} [fam.] [de faire qc.]unable
prononcé {adj} {past-p} [trait, accent, goût pour qc.]pronounced
biberonner qn. [fam.] [fig.] [faire aimer qc.]to be bring sb. up on a diet of something [idiom]
coltiner qc. [fam.] [porter qc. de lourd]to lug sth. [coll.] [carry sth. heavy]
déclouer qc. [décrocher qc. qui est cloué]to take sth. down [which is held up by nails]
défier qn./qc. [faire face à qn./qc.]to stand up to sb./sth.
encercler qc. [dessiner un cercle autour de qc.]to ring sth. [draw a circle around sth.]
louer qn./qc. [chanter les louanges de qn./qc.]to laud sb./sth. [literary]
textile remailler qc. [aussi : remmailler qc.]to darn sth.
[personne qui (a) fait qc.] {noun}doer [person doing / has done sth.]
comm. intéressé {m} [personne qui s'intéresse à qc.]prospect [prospective customer]
comm. intéressé {m} [personne qui s'intéresse à qc.]interested party
comm. intéressé {m} [personne qui s'intéresse à qc.]potential buyer
comm. intéressée {f} [personne qui s'intéresse à qc.]prospect [prospective customer] [female]
comm. intéressée {f} [personne qui s'intéresse à qc.]interested party [female]
comm. intéressée {f} [personne qui s'intéresse à qc.]potential buyer [female]
remède {m} [fig.] [redresser qc.]countermeasure
remède {m} [fig.] [redresser qc.]corrective action
remède {m} [fig.] [redresser qc.]counter-measure
2 Words: Verbs
fin. abaisser qc. à qc.to reduce sth. to sth.
fin. abaisser qc. de qc.to reduce sth. by sth.
abîmer qc. avec qc.to deface sth. with sth.
acclimater qn./qc. à qn./qc.to accustom sb./sth. to sb./sth.
accoler qc. de qc. [juxtaposer]to place sth. next to sth.
accommoder qc. à qc. [adapter]to adapt sth. to sth.
accommoder qc. à qc. [adapter]to adjust sth. to sth.
accompagner qc. de qc.to back up sth. with sth.
accorder qc. à qc. [importance, valeur]to assign sth. to sth.
accorder qc. à qc. [importance, valeur]to attach sth. to sth.
accorder qc. avec qc. [harmoniser]to match sth. with sth.
zool. accoupler qc. à qc.to mate sth. with sth.
accrocher qc. à qc.to hang sth. from sth.
accrocher qc. à qc.to hook sth. on to sth.
accrocher qc. à qc. [collant, pull]to catch sth. on sth.
adapter qc. à qc.to fit sth. to sth.
adjoindre qc. à qc.to add sth. to sth.
adjoindre qc. à qc.to attach sth. to sth.
adosser qc. contre qc.to stand sth. against sth.
affilier qc. à qc.to affiliate sth. to sth.
agrémenter qc. avec qc.to decorate sth. with sth.
agrémenter qc. de qc.to decorate sth. with sth.
agrémenter qc. de qc. [décorer]to adorn sth. with sth.
cuis. agrémenter qc. de qc. [repas, plat]to supplement sth. with sth.
math. ajouter qc. à qc.to add sth. to sth.
ajuster qc. à qc.to fit sth. into sth.
aligner qc. sur qc. [rendre conforme à]to bring sth. into line with sth.
allier qc. à qc.to combine sth. and sth.
» See 19264 more translations for qc outside of comments
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