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French-English translation for: [red-bellied]
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Dictionary French English: [red bellied]

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cuis. ichtyo. T
biol. méd. hématie {f}erythrocyte [red blood cell]
chim. plomb {m} rouge [Pb3O4]minium [red lead]
chim. tétroxyde {m} de plomb [Pb3O4]minium [red lead]
chim. oxyde {m} de plomb(II,IV) [Pb3O4]minium [red lead]
cuis. drog. boisson {f} énergisanteenergy drink [e.g. Red Bull®, Monster®]
bot. T
photo. effet {m} yeux rougesred-eye effect [also: red eye effect]
bot. cuis. piment {m} d'Ibarra[red pepper from Ibarra in the Spanish Basque region]
sport donner un carton rouge à qn.to send sb. off [show the red card to]
cuis. soupe {f} de poissons de rocherock fish soup [e.g. with gurnard, conger eel, red perch]
cuis. bœuf {m} bourguignonbeef bourguignon [beef stew in red wine]
zool. setter {m} irlandais (rouge)Irish Setter [also: Red Setter]
cuis. rillettes {f.pl} de rouget barbetred mullet rillettes [potted red mullet]
cuis. œufs {m.pl} en meuretteeggs with meurette sauce [red wine sauce]
agr. bot. œnol. grenache {m} (noir) [cépage noir]Grenache [red wine grape variety] [also: Garnacha]
cuis. sauce {f} bourguignonneBurgundy sauce [red wine sauce]
cuis. outil. cassole {f}cassole [conical earthenware container, made from red clay and glazed inside]
géogr. œnol. vins {m.pl} du Bordelais[red wines from the wineyards of the Médoc and Graves]
cuis. merguez {m}merguez [red, spicy mutton- or beef-based fresh sausage in Maghrebi cuisine]
bot. roucou {m}[seed of achiote bush, used to make red body paint, as well as a spice]
cuis. gros rouge (qui tache) {m} [fam.] [péj.] [vin rouge quelconque]plonk [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [coarse red wine]
biol. méd. érythrocyte {m}erythrocyte [red blood cell]
bicyc. sport flamme {f} rougeflamme rouge [red flag warning cyclists only 1 km to finish]
cuis. œnol. vin {m} grisvin gris [variant of rosé wine made from red grapes, in particular Pinot noir]
cuis. sauce {f} GénevoiseGenevoise sauce [red wine sauce with anchovy butter]
cuis. piperade {f}piperade [typical Gascon and Basque dish prepared with onion, green peppers, and tomatoes sautéd and flavoured with red Espelette pepper]
cuis. à la bordelaise {adv}à la bordelaise [with red wine and shallots]
cuis. entrecôte {f} à la bordelaise(entrecôte) steak à la Bordelaise [grilled steak with shallots, red wine and bone marrow]
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