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French-English translation for: [restaurant]
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Dictionary French English: [restaurant]

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comm. cuis. couru {adj} [restaurant]well patronised [Br.]
comm. cuis. couru {adj} [restaurant]well patronized
comm. cuis. populaire {adj} [restaurant]basic
snob {adj} [endroit, restaurant]posh
fréquenter qc. [restaurant, plage]to go to sth. [to frequent]
occup. serveur {m} [de restaurant]
comm. addition {f} [facture]
bill [Br.] [esp. in a restaurant]
occup. serveuse {f} [restaurant]
alcôve {f}
booth [in a restaurant]
comm. addition {f} [facture]check [Am.] [esp. in a restaurant]
cuis. VocVoy. ardoise {f} [restaurant]blackboard in a restaurant on which the day's specials are written
cuis. bouchon {m} [restaurant][traditional restaurant in Lyon]
cuis. bouillon {m} [établissement][traditional (late 19c or early 20c), spacious restaurant that usually serves traditional French cuisine, in particular a Bouillon (broth)]
comm. cuis. buffet {m} [café-restaurant]café
cuis. carte {f} [au restaurant]menu
occup. œnol. caviste {f} [dans hôtel, restaurant]cellarwoman
occup. caviste {m} [dans hôtel, restaurant]cellarman
comm. cuis. occup. crêpier {m} [d'un restaurant]pancake restaurant owner
comm. cuis. occup. crêpière {f} [d'un restaurant]pancake restaurant owner [female]
familier {m}regular [e.g. in a pub or restaurant]
familière {f}regular [female] [e.g. in a pub or restaurant]
comm. grill {m} [restaurant]steakhouse
cuis. grivèlerie {f}dine-n-dash [coll.] [Am.] [non-payment of a restaurant bill]
cuis. grivèlerie {f}doing a runner [Br.] [coll.] [avoiding payment of a bill in a restaurant]
cuis. relais {m} [restaurant]restaurant
cuis. resquilleur {m} [restaurant]bill-dodger [coll.] [Br.] [non-payer]
cuis. resquilleur {m} [restaurant]dine-n-dasher [coll.] [Am.] [non-payer]
cuis. resquilleuse {f} [restaurant]bill-dodger [coll.] [Br.] [female] [non-payer]
cuis. resquilleuse {f} [restaurant]dine-n-dasher [coll.] [Am.] [female] [non-payer]
cuis. rôtisserie {f} [restaurant]steakhouse
2 Words: Others
du coin {adj}local [just around the corner; shop, restaurant]
comm. cuis. Lundi fermé.Closed on Mondays. [shop, restaurant]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. boui-boui {m} [fam.] [péj.] [restaurant]greasy spoon [coll.] [pej.] [restaurant]
3 Words: Others
comm. cuis. Fermé le lundi.Closed on Mondays. [shop, restaurant]
3 Words: Verbs
aller au restaurantto eat out [to go to a restaurant]
cuis. obtenir une tableto score a table [Am.] [successfully book a table at a restaurant]
3 Words: Nouns
coup {m} de feu [fig.] [dans un restaurant]rush [busy time in restaurant]
cuis. filouterie {f} de restaurantdine-n-dash [coll.] [Am.] [non-payment of a restaurant bill]
cuis. filouterie {f} de restaurantdoing a runner [Br.] [coll.] [avoiding payment of a bill in a restaurant]
4 Words: Others
cuis. tourisme VocVoy. Avez-vous déjà choisi ? [au restaurant]Have you decided? [in restaurant]
comm. cuis. Fermeture hebdomadaire le lundi.Closed on Mondays. [shop, restaurant]
4 Words: Verbs
cuis. œnol. avoir une bonne cave [restaurant]to have a good winelist
5+ Words: Others
cuis. VocVoy. Avez-vous déjà fait votre choix ? [au restaurant]Have you decided? [in a restaurant]
cuis. VocVoy. Qu'est-ce que vous prenez ?What would you like to order? [In a restaurant]
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