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| ambigu {adj} [sentiment, attitude] | ambivalent | |
| exalté {adj} {past-p} [patriotisme, sentiment] | heightened | |
| inaltérable {adj} [sentiment, humour] | unfailing | |
| incertain {adj} [sourire, sentiment] | vague | |
| partagé {adj} [sentiment, impression] | ambivalent [feeling, impression] | |
| profond {adj} [remarque, sentiment] | profound | |
| saumâtre {adj} | bitter [sentiment, taste] | |
| trouble {adj} [sentiment] | confused [feeling] | |
Verbs |
| susciter qc. [sentiment] | 23 to arouse sth. [feelings] | |
| abâtardir qc. [sentiment, vertu, style] | to debase sth. | |
| abâtardir qc. [sentiment, vertu, style] | to degrade sth. [debase] | |
| abdiquer qc. [prérogative, sentiment] | to renounce sth. | |
| affleurer [thème, sentiment] | to crop up [theme, feeling] | |
| camoufler qc. [intention, sentiment] | to conceal sth. | |
| cuver qc. [apaiser un sentiment] | to get over sth. [coll.] [disappointment etc.] | |
| cuver qc. [apaiser un sentiment] | to recover from sth. [disappointment etc.] | |
| déceler qc. [anomalie, sentiment] | to reveal sth. | |
| déceler qc. [sentiment] | to discern sth. | |
| Unverified dégouliner [fam.] [sentiment] | to ooze | |
| envahir qn. [sentiment] | to assail sb. | |
| éprouver qn./qc. [personne, sentiment, matériel, théorie, méthode] | to test sb./sth. | |
| flatter qc. [sentiment, vice] | to encourage sth. | |
| inspirer qc. [provoquer - décision, sentiment] | to inspire sth. | |
| naître [doute, sentiment, soupçons] | to arise | |
| occulter qc. [sentiment, émotion] | to deny sth. | |
| profaner qc. [sentiment, mémoire, nom, beauté] | to defile sth. | |
| renouveler qc. [sentiment] | to revive sth. | |
| réprimer qc. [sentiment] | to smother [feeling] | |
| réprimer qc. [sentiment] | to bottle sth. up [feeling] | |
| réprimer qc. [sentiment] | to hold sth. in [feeling] | |
| réveiller qc. [sentiment, passion] | to awaken sth. | |
| révéler qc. [talent, sentiment] | to show sth. | |
| s'accroître [sentiment] | to grow [feeling] | |
| s'envoler [sentiment, rêve] | to vanish | |
| simuler qc. [attaque, émotion, sentiment] | to feign sth. | |
| simuler qc. [attaque, émotion, sentiment] | to simulate sth. | |
| transparaître [forme, lumière, sentiment] | to show through [form, light, emotions] | |
Nouns |
| ambiguïté {f} [de sentiment] | ambivalence | |
| authenticité {f} [de sentiment] | genuineness | |
| componction {f} [sentiment de tristesse] | contrition | |
| constance {f} [de sentiment, phénomène] | constancy | |
| gratitude {f} [sentiment affectueux] | gratefulness | |
| impression {f} [sentiment] | suspicion [idea, feeling] | |
| manifestation {f} [de sentiment] | manifestation | |
| profanation {f} [de sentiment, mémoire] | defilement | |
| réveil {m} [d'un sentiment] | reawakening | |
| simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | dissemblance | |
| simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | fakery | |
| simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | faking | |
| simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | feigning | |
| psych. simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | pretence [Br.] | |
| psych. simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | pretense [Am.] | |
| simulation {f} [action de simuler un sentiment] | sham | |
| solitude {f} [sentiment] | loneliness | |
| trouble {m} [sentiment - de gêne] | confusion | |
| trouble {m} [sentiment - de gêne] | embarrassment | |
| trouble {m} [sentiment - de peine] | distress | |
| vivacité {f} [de sentiment, passion] | intensity | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| communiquer qc. à qn. [idée, sentiment] | to convey sth. to sb. | |
| éveiller qc. en qn. [désirs, sentiment] | to spark interest in sb. in sth. | |
| s'agacer de qc. [éprouver une impression désagréable, un sentiment pénible, etc.] | to get worked up over sth. | |
| se dissoudre [sentiment] | to fade | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| répandre qc. à travers qc. [nouvelle, sentiment, enseignement, religion] | to spread sth. throughout sth. | |
| se défaire de qc. [sentiment] | to shake sth. off | |
| se répercuter [sentiment] (sur qn.) | to have repercussions (on sb.) | |
| se teinter de qc. [sentiment] [fig.] | to become tinged with sth. [feeling] [fig.] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| qn. ne sait plus où se mettre [loc.] [éprouve un fort sentiment de honte] | sb. wished the ground would open and swallow them up. [idiom] | |