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Partial Matches |
 | Landerneau {m} [péj.] | [small-minded community where everyone knows everyone else's business] |  |
 | étriqué {adj} [esprit] | insular [narrow-minded] |  |
 | bégeule {adj} [fam.] | priggish [Br.] [narrow-minded] |  |
 | comm. cuis. cantine {f} | canteen [small cafeteria] |  |
 | mus. fifre {m} | fife [small flute] |  |
 | coussinet {m} | pad [small cushion] |  |
 | géogr. presqu'île {f} | peninsula [small] |  |
 | bachot {m} | punt [small boat] |  |
 | ondulation {f} | ripple [small wave] |  |
 | lutin {m} | sprite [small fairy] |  |
 | arch. clocheton {m} | turret [small tower] |  |
 | tout petit {adj} | diminutive [very small] |  |
 | éclatement {m} | burst [puncture, small explosion] |  |
 | étui {m} | case [small box, receptacle] |  |
 | outil. hache {f} | chopper [Br.] [small axe] |  |
 | meub. causeuse {f} | cosy [Br.] [small sofa] |  |
 | petite bosse {f} | nub [small lump] |  |
 | petit sac {m} | pouch [small bag] |  |
 | petite quantité {f} | trickle [small quantity] |  |
 | géogr. sylv. bois {m.pl} | woods [small forest, woodland] |  |
 | ridicule {adj} [insuffisant, minime] | mingy [inadequate, small] |  |
 | bout {m} [petit morceau] | bit [small amount] |  |
 | monnaie piécette {f} [petite monnaie] | copper [small change] |  |
 | naut. embarcation {f} [petit bateau] | craft [small boat] |  |
 | cuis. pâtisserie {f} [petit gâteau] | pastry [small cake] |  |
 | sylv. bois {m} | wood [tree fibre, small forest] |  |
 | cuis. outil. ravier {m} | serving dish [small oblong-shaped] |  |
 | minable {adj} [sans envergure] | petty [small-time, paltry] |  |
 | zool. Serrano {m} | [race of small Spanish working horses] |  |
 | cuis. chouquette {f} | [small chou bun coated with sugar] |  |
 | cuis. petite bouchée {f} | niblet [small piece of food] |  |
 | cosm. savonnette {f} | bath soap [small bar of soap] |  |
 | cuis. bredele {m} | [name of a small bread in Alsace] |  |
 | marmot {m} [fam.] [petit garçon] | kid [coll.] [small boy] |  |
 | naut. chaloupe {f} [petit bateau à moteur] | launch [small motorboat] |  |
 | once {f} [très petite quantité] | trace [very small quantity] |  |
 | bimbeloterie {f} [objets] | trinkets {pl} [small objects of little value] |  |
 | saupoudrer qc. | to spray sth. [with small particles of sth.] |  |
 | naut. coquille {f} de noix [fig.] [petit bateau] | cockleshell [small boat] |  |
 | monnaie monnaie {f} | dibs {pl} [coll.] [dated] [money, especially in small amounts] |  |
 | cuis. pointe {f} [petite quantité - d'ail] | hint [small quantity, trace] |  |
 | cuis. petit verre {m} [d'alcool] | noggin [small amount of alcohol] |  |
 | bicyc. vélo {m} sans pédale [fam.] | balance bicycle [for small children] |  |
 | rikiki {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu] | pokey [coll.] [room: small and cramped] |  |
 | riquiqui {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu] | pokey [coll.] [room: small and cramped] |  |
 | rikiki {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu] | poky [coll.] [room: small and cramped] |  |
 | riquiqui {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu] | poky [coll.] [room: small and cramped] |  |
 | pas {m} | step [footstep, sound of step, dance move, small distance] |  |
 | alim. distribuer qc. [rations] | to dole sth. out [uusually in small portions] |  |
 | bicyc. vélo {m} sans pédale [fam.] | balance bike [coll.] [for small children] |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | cuis. vêt. bavette {f} pour bébé | bib [esp. for small children (to keep the clothes clean while eating)] |  |
 | timbre {m} [sonnette, instrument de musique] | bell [door bell, small bell,] |  |
 | cuis. andouillette {f} | andouillette [sausage made from chitterlings (small intestines of a pig)] |  |
 | cuis. millefeuille {m} | millefeuille [small layered cake made of puff pastry filled with custard and cream] |  |
 | cuis. mignardises {f.pl} [pâtisserie] | petit four [small sweet biscuit or cake, served after dinner or with coffee] |  |
 | armes hist. mil. ribaudequin {m} | ribauldquin [introduced in 14C - volley gun with many small-caliber iron barrels set up parallel on a platform] |  |
 | verser un fond dans le verre de qn. [loc.] | to pour a drop in sb.'s glass [idiom] [small amount] |  |
 | cuis. mignardise {f} [souvent : mignardises] | petit four [small sweet biscuit or cake, served after dinner or with coffee] |  |
 | cuis. sot-l'y-laisse {m} | oysters {pl} [two small, round pieces of dark meat on the back of poultry near the thigh] |  |
 | géogr. Rùm {f} [île faisant partie du groupe des Small Isles qui appartiennent à l'archipel des Hébrides intérieures en Écosse] | Rùm [also: Rum] |  |
 | cuis. garniture {f} Clamart [tartelettes de petits pois à la française sur un petit fond de pommes Macaire] | [side dish of small tarts of peas with crisp fried potato cakes] |  |
 | cuis. canelé {m} | [small French pastry flavored with rum and vanilla with a soft and tender custard center and a dark, thick caramelized crust] |  |