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French-English translation for: [sound]
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Dictionary French English: [sound]

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

net {adj}
clear [sound]
nasillard {adj} [voix]adenoidal [of the voice, sound nasally]
amorti {adj} {past-p}deadened [sound]
mat {adj} [son, bruit]dull [sound]
métallique {adj} [aussi fig. : voix, bruit]metallic [also fig.: voice, sound]
feutré {adj} [son]muffled [sound]
aigu {adj}piercing [sound]
triste {adj} [plaintif]plangent [esp. literary] [of a sound: sorrowful]
net {adj}sharp [sound]
perçant {adj} [cri, voix]shrill [sound: piercing]
strident {adj} [sonorité]strident [sound]
porter [son, voix]to carry [sound, voice]
ronronner [moteur]to drone [sound]
assourdir qc.to dull sth. [enthusiasm, light, colour, sound]
ronronner [moteur]to hum [sound]
atténuer qc.to mute sth. [also fig.] [sound, feelings, colour]
audio assourdir qc. [diminuer l'intensité]to mute sth. [colour, sound]
faire un bruit métalliqueto ping [make a sharp metallic sound]
mus. phonet. donner qc. [son, note de musique]to pitch sth. [note, level of sound]
tomber en faisant ploufto plop [fall with a wet sound]
phys. se propagerto propagate [light, sound, wave]
assourdir qc.to soften sth. [light, sound, colours]
tinterto tinkle [make jingling sound]
phys. se propagerto travel [light, sound, wave]
sifflement {m} [de personne, train, projectile]
whistle [sound]
pas {m}
step [footstep, sound of step, dance move, small distance]
bip {m} [signal électrique]blip [short electronic sound]
mus. cadence {f} [intonation, terminaison]cadence [rising and falling sound, concluding sound]
mus. carillon {m}chime [sound of bells]
déclic {m} [bruit de déclenchement]click [snapping sound]
craquement {m} [bruit sec]crack [sharp sound, snap, crunch of snow]
craquement {m}crunch [brittle sound]
mus. distorsion {f}distortion [sound, music]
aviat. ronflement {m} [de petit avion]drone [sound of light aircraft]
ronron {m} [d'une machine, d'un moteur]drone [sound]
audio mus. mixage {m}dubbing [sound mixing]
audio feedback {m}feedback [sound]
claquement {m}flapping [sound of flags, wings]
gargouillis {m}glug [gurgling sound]
bruit {m} métalliqueping [sharp metallic sound]
bruit {m} sourdplunk [Am.] [dull sound]
mus. son {m} pincéplunk [sound: twang]
bruit {m} (sec)pop [sound: cork etc.]
détonation {f} [de tir]report [sound of gunshot]
sonnaille {f}ringing [sound of bells]
froufrou {m}rustle [rustling sound]
frou-frou {m}rustle [rustling sound]
raclement {m}scraping [sound]
stridence {f} [musique, bruit]shrillness [piercing sound quality]
grondement {m} [de trafic]thunder [sound of traffic]
horl. tic-tac {m}tick [sound]
mus. phonet. timbre {m} [son]timber [Am.] [sound quality, tone color]
tintement {m}ting [light metallic sound]
tintement {m}tinkle [jingling sound]
2 Words: Verbs
audio mus. filer qc. [tenir - note, son]to draw sth. out [note, sound]
rassembler à qc.to sound like sth. [have same sound]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. tonalité {f} naturellenatural tone [sound]
audio se répandre {noun} [son]to carry [e.g. sound]
3 Words: Others
mus. Boum boum boum. [bruit de tambour]Rub-a-dub. [sound of drums]
3 Words: Nouns
film théâtre RadioTV bruiteur {m}Foley / foley artist [sound effects engineer]
ding ding {m} [tintement]ting-a-ling [tinkling sound]
4 Words: Verbs
clocher [fam.] [aller mal]to be not quite right [sound false]
ne pas faire le moindre bruit [loc.]to not utter a peep [idiom] [not make a sound]
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