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French-English translation for: [strong-room]
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Dictionary French English: [strong room]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

coffre-fort {m}vault [strong-room]
Partial Matches
arch. bureau {m} [pièce]study [room]
chambre {f} librevacancy [room]
meublé {adj} {past-p} [pièce]appointed [room: furnished]
occupé {adj} {past-p}engaged [room: busy, occupied]
arch. chambre {f} dérobéecloset [secret room]
place {f} [espace disponible]space [room]
mal éclairé {adj}ill-lit [room]
immo. grenier {m} aménagéloft conversion [room]
immo. chambre {f} meubléebedsit [rented room] [Br.]
immo. pièce {f} meubléebedsit [rented room] [Br.]
piaule {f} [fam.] [chambre]den [private room]
agencement {m} [de pièce]layout [of room]
ordonnance {f}layout [room etc.] [disposition, organisation]
arch. salon {m}parlor [Am.] [dated] [living room]
arch. salon {m}parlour [Br.] [dated] [living room]
communs {m.pl} [toilettes]toilet {sg} [coll.] [room]
bien aménagé {adj}well-appointed [home, room]
bien aménagé {adj}well-planned [home, room]
arch. salon {m}front room [Br.] [living room]
délabré {adj}scruffy [untidy, unkempt: garden, room etc.]
aéré [non surchargé]spacious [room: not overfull]
théâtre à guichets fermés {adv}SRO [standing room only]
enduire de qc.to paint sth. [room, object]
chambre {f} d'enfantsnursery [children's room]
bien tenu {adj}well-kept [house, room etc.]
(grande) salle {f}hall [large room for events, meetings]
déranger qc. [pièce]to turn sth. upside down [room]
chauffer qc. [appartement]to heat sth. [room, flat, house, etc.]
rikiki {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu]pokey [coll.] [room: small and cramped]
riquiqui {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu]pokey [coll.] [room: small and cramped]
rikiki {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu]poky [coll.] [room: small and cramped]
riquiqui {adj} [fam.] [chambre : exigu]poky [coll.] [room: small and cramped]
chiottes {f.pl} [vulg.] [cabinets]khazi {sg} [Br.] [coll.] [toilet (room), toilets]
tourisme plateau {m} de courtoisiehospitality tray [e.g. in hotel room]
tourisme plateau {m} de courtoisiewelcome tray [e.g. in hotel room]
d'apparat {adj}state [attr.] [ceremonial] [e.g. apartments, bed, coach, room]
vaste {adj} [spacieux]spacious [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe]
immo. donner sur la rueto look onto the road [of a window, room]
s'entasser dans qc. [se serrer]to squeeze into sth. [e.g. a room]
tourisme VocVoy. douche {f} sur le paliershower on the landing [on same floor but in separate room to bedroom]
constr. tapisser qc.to wallpaper sth. [a wall, a room, etc.]
embaumer qc. [salle, etc.]to fill sth. with fragrance [room etc.]
faire 3 mètres de large [pièce]to be 3 meters across [Am.] [room]
faire 3 mètres de large [pièce]to be 3 metres across [Br.] [room]
arts atelier {m} [d'un peintre, d'un photographe]studio [artist's room]
arch. immo. hall {m} [d'une banque, d'un hôtel ou immeuble d'habitation, dans un musée]hall [entrance area of a flat or public building, large room of museum]
très fort {adj} [odeur]pungent [strong smelling]
costaud {adj} [personne]stalwart [dated] [person: strong, strapping]
cuis. eaux-de-vie {f.pl}shorts [coll.] [strong spirits]
gars {m} à la redresse [fam.]tough guy [coll.] [strong, resourceful, man-about-town]
fort {m} des halles [fig.] [force de la nature]Goliath [fig.] [huge and strong person]
protestation {f} [affirmation vigoureuse de ses bons sentiments]protestation [strong expression or statement of opposition]
phys. interaction {f} forte [aussi : force forte, force de couleur, ou interaction nucléaire forte]strong interaction [also: strong force]
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