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French-English translation for: [system]
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Dictionary French English: [system]

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anat. immunitaire {adj}immune [of the immune system]
inform. vulnérable {adj} [système informatique]insecure [computer system]
adm. géogr. dicastère {m} [suisse][administrative division in the Swiss local government system]
pol. scrutin {m} uninominal majoritaire à deux toursballotage [two-round system]
écon. fin. Réserve {f} fédérale [banque centrale des États-Unis]Fed [short] [Federal Reserve (System)]
écon. fin. Banque {f} centrale américaineFed [short] [Federal Reserve (System)]
fin. système {m} de virement bancairegiro [system]
institutionalisation {f}institutionalisation [Br.] [making sth. part of a system]
institutionalisation {f}institutionalization [making sth. part of a system]
dr. régime {m} juridiquejurisdiction [legal system]
stéréo {m} [fam.] [récepteur]stereo [coll.] [system]
2 Words
inform. tech. être implanté [système]to be running [e.g. a system]
comm. hist. pol. blocus {m} continental [1806-1814] [aussi : le Blocus]Continental Blockade [1806-1814] [also: Continental System] [large-scale embargo against British trade - policy of Napoleon against the UK during the Napoleonic Wars]
PoSauv. avertisseur {m} d'incendiefire detector [warning system]
pol. scrutin {m} uninominal majoritaire à deux toursrunoff voting [two-round system]
pol. scrutin {m} uninominal majoritaire à deux tourssecond ballot [two-round system]
3 Words
pol. récolter des voixto get somebody's votes [in a transferable vote system]
adm. œnol. appellation {f} d'origine contrôlée <AOC>appellation d'origine contrôlée <AOC> [The quality-control system imposed on the production of higher quality wines]
math. système {m} binairebinary numeral system [also: base-2 numeral system]
math. système {m} décimaldecimal numeral system [also: base-ten positional numeral system]
auto trafic VocVoy. autoroute {f} en flux libre [aussi : free-flow]free-flow tolling [also: all-electronic tolling or Open road tolling (ORT)] [This is a new system in France introduced on one motorway (A79)]
assur. sociol. 2e pilier {m} [prévoyance professionnelle en Suisse]Swiss Pension Fund [2nd pillar of the 3 pillar Swiss Pension System]
dr. Tribunal {m} des conflitsTribunal des conflits [charged with settling conflicts of jurisdiction between the judiciary and administrative courts of the French legal system]
5+ Words
faire appeler qn.to put out a call for sb. [over a public address system]
photo. APS-C {m} [Advanced Photo System type-C]Advanced Photo System type-C <APS-C>
éduc. UE système {m} européen de transfert et d'accumulation de crédits <ECTS> [European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System]European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System <ECTS>
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