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Dictionary French English: [term]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

puce {f} [fam.] [terme d'affection]
pet [coll.] [term of endearment]
adm. occup. pol. Atelier et Chantier d'Insertion {noun} <ACI>[French government organisation for re-integrating long-term unemployed back into society]
raton {m} [vulg.] [péj.][racist term used with reference to North African Arabs]
caraque {m} [mérid.] [fam.] [péj.][term of abuse in South France for a person of no fixed abode]
géogr. lette {f} [aussi : lète ou lède][term used in Gascony to describe a depression between two dunes]
géogr. panne {f}[term used in Northern France to describe a depression between two dunes]
bic® {m}biro [Br.] [often used as a generic term for any ballpoint pen] [Biro™]
chaudasse {f} [fam.] [péj.]bitch [coll.] [pej.] [sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse]
fin. bancomat {m} [suisse] [aussi : bancomate]cashpoint [Br.] [generic term] [Cashpoint®]
mus. gaïta {f}gaita [generic term for "bagpipe" in Spain and Portugal]
hist. mil. harki {m}Harki [generic term for native Muslim Algerians who served as auxiliaries in the French Army during the Algerian War of Independence from 1954 to 1962]
cuis. saumonette {f}huss [Br.] [gastronomic term for 'spiny dogfish']
salopard {m} [péj.]motherfucker [vulg.] [sl.] [esp. Am.] [term of abuse]
fiston {m} [fam.]son [term of address]
armes pistolet {m} électriquetaser [used as a generic term]
armes pistolet {m} paralysanttaser [used as a generic term]
armes pistolet {m} à impulsion électrique <PIE> [taser®]taser [used as a generic term]
dr. peine {f} d'emprisonnementterm [prison term]
dr. peine {f} privative de libertéterm [prison term]
2 Words
méd. dissociation {f} électromécanique <DEM>electromechanical dissociation <EMD> [older term for pulseless electrical activity]
ethn. pol. purification {f} ethniqueethnic cleansing [term is subject to criticism]
adm. transp. permis {m} poids lourdHGV licence [Br.] [common British term] [Heavy Goods Vehicle licence]
journ. pol. presse {f} mensongère [péj.]lying press [pej.] [abusive term applied when the press takes opposite positions on emotionally charged issues]
cosm. bâtonnet {m} ouatéQ-tip [Am.] [coll.] [generic term] [Q-tips®]
cuis. saumonette {f}rock salmon [Br.] [dated] [former gastronomic term for 'spiny dogfish', now outlawed]
TechMéd. marchette {f}Zimmer® frame [Br.] [generic term: zimmer frame]
3 Words
être composé de qc. [se constituer]to be comprised of sth. [criticized usage / term for: be composed of sth.]
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