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French-English translation for: [town]
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Dictionary French English: [town]

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

trappiste {adj} [relatif à la ville de Trappes][of / from / in the town of Trappes]
géogr. intérieur {adj} [de l'intérieur des terres]inland [place, town: interior]
de province {adj} [journal, ville]provincial [newspaper, town]
tourisme peu fréquenté {adj}uncrowded [town, beach etc.]
urban dans les quartiers résidentiels {adj} {adv}uptown [Am.] [in residential areas of a town]
urban des quartiers résidentiels {adj}uptown [Am.] [of / from residential areas of a town]
urban vers les quartiers résidentiels {adv}uptown [Am.] [to / towards the residential areas of a town]
trafic desservir qc.
to link sth. [town, region]
mil. délivrer qc. [ville]to relieve sth. [e.g. town under siege]
trafic desservir qc.to serve sth. [town, region]
alimenter qc. [ville]to supply sth. [e.g. a town with electricity]
tourisme VocVoy. plan {m} [carte touristique]
map [city, town, streets, subway]
prise {f}
capture [of a town]
géogr. trafic contournement {m} [de ville]bypass [of a town]
géogr. trafic contournement {m} routier [de ville]bypass [of a town]
géogr. trafic route {f} de contournement [de ville]bypass [of a town]
aspect {m} sinistregrimness [landscape, town]
torpeur {f}sleepiness [of village, town]
urban quartiers {m.pl} résidentielsuptown {sg} [Am.] [residential areas away from the center of town]
2 Words: Verbs
être en voyageto be away [not in town]
trains transp. desservir qc. [station, ville etc.]to call at sth. [station, town etc.]
venir de qc. [pays, ville, etc.]to come from sth. [country, town, etc.]
venir de qc. [pays, ville, etc.]to hail from sth. [country, town, etc.]
mil. déferler sur qc. [ville, pays]to pour into sth. [e.g. soldiers into a town]
trains transp. desservir qc. [station, ville etc.]to stop at sth. [station, town etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
adm. chef-lieu {m}administrative centre [Br.] [e.g. county town]
urban quartier {m} administratifcivic center [Am.] [part of a town, city]
adm. urban quartier {m} administratifcivic centre [Br.] [part of a town, city]
urban grand-place {f}main square [of a town]
libr. bibliothèque {f} municipalepublic library [of a town or city]
gars {m} à la redresse [fam.]tough guy [coll.] [strong, resourceful, man-about-town]
3 Words: Verbs
géogr. avoir une faible altitude [ville]to be low-lying [town]
hort. urban aménager un espace vert dans qc.to plant greenery in sth. [e.g. part of a town]
hort. urban aménager un espace vert en qc.to plant greenery on sth. [e.g. part of a town]
3 Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. pol. sac {m} de Liège [1468]sacking of Liège [in 1468, after an uprising, the Duke of Burgundy ordered the town to be razed to the ground and a quarter of the inhabitants were killed.]
4 Words: Verbs
être un véritable trou [fam.] [loc.] [ville, hôtel etc.]to be an absolute dump [coll.] [idiom] [town, hotel etc.]
5+ Words: Verbs
mil. ravitailler qn./qc. en qc. [vivres]to provide sb./sth. with fresh supplies of sth. [troops, town]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
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