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French-English translation for: [train]
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Dictionary French English: [train]

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trains bourré {adj} {past-p} [train]packed [completely full]
trains déraillé {adj} {past-p} [train]derailed
direct {adj} [train,vol]nonstop
mourant {adj} [en train de disparaître]moribund
mourant {adj} {pres-p} [en train de mourir]dying
trains transp. régulier {adj} [train, ligne, service]scheduled
rater qc. [train, rendez-vous, etc.]
to miss sth.
louper qc. [fam.] [train, occasion]
to miss sth.
aviat. trains transp. s'écraser [avion, train etc.]
to crash [plane, train etc.]
descendreto get off [bus, train]
détourner qc. [train, etc.]to reroute sth.
lancer qc. [mettre en train - affaire]to set sth. up
lancer qc. [mettre en train - idée]to float sth. [idea]
trains transp. marcher [avancer]to go [e.g. train]
prendre qc. [train, bus]to travel by sth. [train, bus]
trains transp. resquiller [en train, métro]to dodge paying the fare [coll.]
s'ébranler [convoi, train]to move off
s'ébranler [convoi, train]to pull away [set off]
s'ébranler [convoi, train]to set off
sifflement {m} [de personne, train, projectile]
whistle [sound]
naut. trains arrière {m} [de train, navire]rear
avant {m} [partie de devant]front [of train etc.]
naut. trains cheminée {f}funnel [of ship, steam train etc.]
naut. trains couchette {f} [de train]berth
trains couchette {f} [de train]couchette
trains couchette {f} [de train]sleeper (berth)
arch. constr. trains couloir {m} [de bâtiment, train]corridor
trains omnibus {m} [train]slow train [making lots of stops]
portière {f} [d'un véhicule]door [car, train etc.]
trains queue {f} [de train]back
trains queue {f} [de train]rear
2 Words: Others
à l'arrêt {adj} [voiture, camion, train]stationary
aviat. trains transp. à l'arrière {adv} [dans un train, bus, avion]at the back
aviat. trains transp. à l'arrière {adv} [dans un train, bus, avion]at the rear
2 Words: Verbs
trains débarquer de qc. [train]to alight from sth.
trains débarquer de qc. [train]to get off sth.
2 Words: Nouns
trains catastrophe {f} ferroviairetrain wreck [Am.] [train crash]
trains porte-bagages {m} [dans un train]luggage rack
trains signal {m} d'alarme [train]communication cord [Br.]
trains signal {m} d'alarme [train]emergency cord
trains suppression {f} de qc. [train]cancellation of sth.
trains suppression {f} de qc. [train]discontinuation of sth.
3 Words: Verbs
amener qn. quelque part [personne, bus, train] [mener]to take sb. somewhere
amener qn. quelque part [personne, bus, train] [venir avec]to bring sb. somewhere
arriver à destination [train]to reach its destination
trains entrer en gare [train]to enter a station
trafic trains être desservi par qc. [train, bus, etc.]to connect with sth. [train, bus, etc.]
trains être en circulation [train]to be running [train service]
étre happé par qc. [voiture, train, etc.]to be hit by sth. [car, train etc.]
trains transp. se faire contrôler [dans un bus, un train]to have one's ticket checked
3 Words: Nouns
relig. convoi {m} des pèlerinspilgrimage [train of pilgrims]
math. peigne {m} de Dirac [aussi : distribution cha]Dirac comb [also: shah function, impulse train or sampling function]
4 Words: Verbs
trains transp. assurer la liaison entre qc. [train, car]to run between sth. [train, bus service]
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