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French-English translation for: [water]
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Dictionary French English: [water]

Translation 1 - 50 of 82  >>

relig. bénit {adj} [eau bénite]
holy [water]
saumâtre {adj} [eau]brackish [water]
chim. hydro. calcaire {adj} [eau]hard [water]
aqueux {adj}watery [nature of water]
to run [water, nose]
naut. écoper [vider l'eau d'une embarcation]to bail [scoop] [remove water from a boat]
capter qc. [eaux]to collect sth. [e.g. water]
aviat. procéder à un amerrissage forcéto ditch [of an aircraft: land on water]
cuis. s'égoutter [vaisselle, aliments : perdre son eau]to drain [dishes, food: lose water]
puiser qc. [eau]to draw sth. [water]
faire boire la tasse à qn./qc.to duck sb./sth. [push under water]
orn. effleurer qc. [frôler - cime, eau]to graze sth. [tree-tops, water surface]
brass. mettre qc. en trempeto mash sth. [mix malt with hot water]
cuis. plonger qc. dans l'eau froideto refresh sth. [rinse with cold water]
faire couler qc.to run sth. [tap, faucet, water in the tub]
croupirto stagnate [water]
clapoterto swash [to lap as water does]
naut. éclusée {f}[volume of water released when lock gate is opened]
cuis. café {m} americanoAmericano [espresso with increased amount of water]
cuis. chouchen {m}chouchen [alcoholic beverage native to Brittany. A form of mead, made from the fermentation of honey in water]
géogr. Derwentwater {m} [lac du Lake District dans le nord-ouest de l'Angleterre]Derwentwater [also: Derwent Water]
plongeon {m}dive [into water]
sport plongeon {m} [discipline]diving [from a height into water]
débit {m} [eau, mots, etc.]flow [water, words etc.]
jet {m} d'eaufountain [artificial water fountain]
hydro. réservoir {m} de retenueimpoundment [water reservoir]
clapotement {m} [eau]lapping [of water]
clapotis {m} [eau]lapping [of water]
limpidité {f} [d'eau]limpidity [of water]
bot. lotus {m}lotus [water lily]
cuis. café {m} allongélungo [espresso diluted with water, but not as much as an Americano]
tech. canalisation {f} principalemain [water, gas pipe]
tech. conduite {f} (principale)main [water, gas pipe]
myth. naïade {f}naiad [water nymph]
coupure {f} [eau, électricité etc.]outage [water, electricity etc.]
tech. tuyau {m} de sortie [gas, eau]outlet [gas, water]
broc {m}pitcher [of water]
plouf {m}plop [on water]
hydro. naut. repêchage {m} [dans l'eau]recovery [e.g. body from water]
géogr. naut. rade {f}roadstead [body of sheltered water]
teneur {f} en selsaltiness [of solution, water]
gerbe {f} [d'eau; de fleurs]spray [of water; floral arrangement]
hydro. fontaine {f} [source]spring [water source]
hydro. source {f} [d'eau]spring [water]
cuve {f}  eau, mazout]tank [for water, heating oil]
psych. thalassophobie {f}thalassophobia [persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water ]
comm. fournisseur {m} [d'électricité, de gaz, d'eau etc.]utility [company supplying electricity, gas, water etc.]
pol. simulation {f} de noyadewaterboarding [torture with water]
lame {f} [vague]wave [of water]
flots {m.pl} [littéraire]waves [of water]
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