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French-English translation for: [well-shaped]
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Dictionary French English: [well shaped]

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callipyge {adj} [aux formes arrondies, joufflu] [rare] [fig.] [iron.] [objet]callipygous [having well-shaped buttocks]
en croissant {adj}lunate [crescent-shaped]
cuis. outil. ravier {m}serving dish [small oblong-shaped]
en forme de cœur {adj}cardioid [heart-shaped]
en forme de coin {adj}cuneate [wedge-shaped]
en forme de faucille {adj}lunate [crescent-shaped]
cuis. sucre {m} d'orgerock [Br.] [pole-shaped sweet]
cuis. étoile {f} à la cannelle[star-shaped cinnamon biscuit / cookie]
anat. bot. zool. calice {m}calyx [cup-shaped structure in flowers and animals]
cuis. boule {f} à thétea egg [chiefly Br.: egg-shaped tea infuser]
cuis. cuberdon {m} [belge]cuberdon [cone-shaped Belgian sweet or candy]
mil. chevron {m}chevron [V-shaped stripe]
arch. hist. nuraghe {m} [tour ronde en forme de cône tronqué, monument éponyme de la culture nuragique en Sardaigne]nuraghe [large tower-shaped stone structure found in Sardinia]
aéré {adj}airy [well ventilated]
apprécié {adj}popular [well liked]
bien tenu {adj}spruce [well-kept]
réfléchi {adj}thoughtful [well thought out]
indisposé {adj}unwell [not very well]
être bien accueillito go over well [be received well]
vêt. être bien habilléto be well turned out [coll.] [well-dressed]
être ferré en qc. [loc.]to be well up on sth. [idiom] [well informed]
louper qc. [fam.]to tank sth. [coll.] [do less well than one could have done]
Tout est bien qui finit bien. [loc.]All's well that ends well. [idiom]
figure {f} [personnalité]figure [e.g. well-known]
bot. roucou {m}[seed of achiote bush, used to make red body paint, as well as a spice]
avoir le vent en poupe [fig.]to have a good head of steam [fig.] [to be progressing well]
relig. Saint-Siège {m}Apostolic See [used today to denote the Pope as well as the Curia]
géogr. hist. pol. île {f} de San Domino [île italienne faisant partie de l'archipel des îles Tremiti]San Domino Island [in the 1930's, Mussolini had political prisoners as well as hundreds of homosexuals deported to San Domino]
pol. oblast {m}oblast [a type of administrative division of Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Ukraine, as well as the former Soviet Union and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia]
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