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French-English translation for: [white]
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Dictionary French English: [white]

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

zain (chien, cheval) {adj}[without any white marks]
cendré {adj} [de couleur cendre]hoary [greyish white]
arts ivoire {adj}ivory [attr.] [off-white colour]
arts blanc cassé {adj}ivory [attr.] [off-white colour]
typ. mettre du blanc sur qc. [texte, erreur]to whiteout sth. [with white correction fluid]
cuis. fontainebleau {m} [spécialité fromagère][traditional French dessert; a combination of faisselle (a curd-like soft white cheese) and whipped cream]
agr. œnol. bourboulenc {m} [cépage blanc]bourboulenc [white wine grape variety]
ethn. blanc {m} [personne]Caucasian [Am.] [white person]
ethn. blanche {f}Caucasian [Am.] [white woman]
personne {f} de race blancheCaucasian [white person]
agr. bot. œnol. chardonnay {m} B [cépage blanc]Chardonnay [white wine grape variety]
météo. givre {m}hoar [literary] [white ice / frost]
minér. marcassite {f} [aussi : marcasite]marcasite [also: white iron pyrite]
œnol. vin {m} résinéretsina [Greek white (or rosé) resinated wine]
agr. bot. œnol. sémillon {m} B [cépage blanc]Sémillon [white wine grape variety]
2 Words: Verbs
typ. mettre du blanc sur qc. [texte, erreur]to white-out sth. [with white correction fluid]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. sauce {f} bercyBercy sauce [butter, shallots & white wine]
agr. œnol. clairette {f} B [cépage blanc]Clairette blanche [white wine grape variety]
géogr. baie {f} de la DvinaDvina Bay [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
pieux mensonge {m}emergency lie [white lie]
agr. bot. œnol. grenache {m} blanc [cépage blanc]Grenache blanc [white wine grape variety]
cuis. palet {m} glacéhalf moon [black and white cookie]
géogr. golfe {m} de KandalakchaKandalaksha Gulf [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
cuis. sauce {f} marinièremariniere sauce [base of shallots and white wine]
géogr. baie {f} de MezenMezen Bay [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
géogr. baie {f} d'OnegaOnega Bay [one of four large bays and gulfs of the White Sea]
cuis. sauce {f} provençaleProvencal sauce [white wine, garlic, tomatoes, etc]
cuis. sauce {f} RobertRobert sauce [white wine and mustard]
agr. bot. œnol. sauvignon {m} B [cépage blanc]Sauvignon blanc [white wine grape variety]
cuis. ichtyo. sole {f} mornaysole mornay [baked sole in a white cheese sauce]
cuis. sauce {f} tyrolienneTyrolean sauce [hard-boiled egg, white wine vinegar, dijon mustard]
agr. bot. œnol. ugni {m} blanc B [cépage blanc] [aussi : trebbiano bianco B]Ugni blanc [white wine grape variety] [also: Trebbiano]
cuis. sauce {f} vénitienneVenetian sauce [herb and white wine sauce]
naut. mouton {m} [fig.] [vague blanche]white horse [fig.] [white-topped wave]
canne {f} blanche [d'aveugle]white stick [white cane for the blind]
œnol. vin {m} jaune du Jurayellow wine [special and characteristic type of white wine made in the Jura region]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
zool. T
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