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Dictionary French English: [years]

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

bisannuel {adj}biannual [occurring every two years]
tous les deux ans {adv}biannually [Am.] [once every two years]
tous les deux ans {adv}biyearly [every two years]
biennal {adj}biyearly [occurring every two years]
bisannuel {adj}biyearly [occurring every two years]
millénaire {m}millennium [thousand years]
dr. maison {f} centraleprison [for offenders with sentences over two years]
2 Words: Others
il y a très longtemps {adv}back yonder [regional Am.] [many years ago]
avec le temps {adv} [loc.]in time [idiom] [e.g. over the years]
certaines années {adv}some years [certain years]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. révolte {f} de Bohême [1618 - 1620]Bohemian Revolt [1618 - 1620] [uprising of the Bohemian estates against the rule of the Habsburgs that began the Thirty Years' War]
éduc. sixième {m}first form [of British secondary schools where pupils start at eleven years of age]
hist. pol. Louis {m} XV [1710-1774] [aussi : Louis le Bien-Aimé]Louis XV [1710-1774] [also: Louis the Beloved] [ King of France 1715 until his death in 1774. His reign included the 7 Years' War when France ceded New France to Britain]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Torstenson [1643 - 1645] [aussi : controverse d'Hannibal ou guerre d'Hannibal]Torstenson War [1643 - 1645] [between Sweden and Denmark–Norway, during the 30 Years' War]
3 Words: Nouns
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} d'Azincourt [1415]Battle of Agincourt [in 1415 English forces under King Henry V defeated numerically superior French forces in this important battle in the 100 Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Castillon [1453]Battle of Castillon [decisive French victory in 1453 against England marked the end of the 100 Years' War. Considered the first major battle won through the extensive use of field artillery]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Crécy [1346]Battle of Crécy [1346, important battle in 100 years' war. French army commanded by King Philip VI was defeated by an English army led by King Edward III ]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Guinegatte [1479]Battle of Guinegate [in 1479, first battle in what became over 500 years of conflict between France and the Habsburgs, Battle won by the Habsburgs]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Patay [1429]Battle of Patay [in 1429, the culminating engagement of the Loire Campaign of the 100 Years' War, when the French cavalry inflicted a severe defeat on the English.]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Poitiers [1356]Battle of Poitiers [in 1356 was the 2nd major success, after Crécy, by England under Edward, the Black Prince, against France, under King John II, in the 100 Years' War]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Rossbach [1757]Battle of Rossbach [1757] [decisive battle in 7 Years' War in which the Frederick the Great's Prussian Army defeated a much larger combined French & Austrian Army]
hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Sablat [1619]Battle of Sablat [1619] [one of first battles in 30 Years' War; Protestant defeat]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Stadtlohn [1623]Battle of Stadtlohn [1623] [resounding Catholic victory marking end of 1st phase of 30 Years' War]
hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Wimpfen [1622]Battle of Wimpfen [1622] [early battle in 30 Years' War; Protestant defeat]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} franco-espagnole [1635 - 1659]Franco-Spanish War [1635 - 1659] [a conflict related to the 30 Years' War]
demi-millénaire {m}half a millennium [500 years]
éduc. baccalauréat {m}high-school diploma [Am.] [after 12 years at school]
hist. mil. pol. Longue Guerre {f} [1593 - 1606] [aussi : guerre de Treize Ans]Long Turkish War [1593 - 1606] [indecisive war between the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire] [also: Long War or Thirteen Years' War]
hist. pol. paix {f} de Lübeck [1629]Peace of Lübeck [1629] [also: Treaty of Lübeck] [ended the Danish intervention in the Thirty Years' War]
hist. pol. paix {f} de Westphalie [1648] [aussi : traités de Westphalie]Peace of Westphalia [1648] [2 treaties which ended the 30 Years' War and the 80 Years' War and brought peace to the Holy Roman Empire]
géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Calais [1346-7]siege of Calais [part of 100 Years' War. After victory at Crécy, King Edward III of England successfully besieged Calais which remained in English hands until 1558]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Compiègne [1430]siege of Compiègne [1430] [Joan of Arc's final military action with her capture by the Burgundians. A minor siege but important event in the 100 Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} d'Orléans [1428/9]siege of Orléans [1428/9] [the watershed of the 100 Years' War with a major victory for the French Royal Army with Joan of Arc]
hist. pol. traité {m} d'Arras [1435]Treaty of Arras [1435] [diplomatic achievement for France in final years of the 100 Years' War. France & Burgundy were reconciled and from 1435, English rule in France underwent steady decline.]
fin. hist. pol. traité {m} de Barwald [1631] [aussi : traité de Bärwalde]Treaty of Bärwalde [1631] [agreement by France to provide Sweden financial support in the Thirty Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Brétigny [1360] [traité de Calais]Treaty of Brétigny [Treaty signed in 1360 between King Edward III of England and King John II of France, marking the end of the first phase of the 100 Years' War]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1259] [aussi : traité d'Abbeville]Treaty of Paris [1259] [also: Treaty of Abbeville] [between Kings of France and England, ending 100 years of conflicts between the Capetian and Plantagenet dynasties]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1763]Treaty of Paris [1763] [between kingdoms of Great Britain, France, Spain, & Portugal, after Great Britain and Prussia's victory over France and Spain in the Seven Years' War]
hist. pol. Guillaume {m} le Taciturne [1533-1584] [aussi : Guillaume I d'Orange-Nassau]William the Silent [1533-1584] [also: William the Taciturn or William of Orange] [leader of the Dutch Revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs that set off the Eighty Years' War (1568–1648)]
fin. occup. annuités {f.pl} [décompte d'années de service]years of service [pensionable years worked]
4 Words: Others
dans les ... {adv} [jours, semaines, mois, années] à venirin the ... [days, weeks, months, years] to come
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. journée {f} des Harengs [1429] [bataille des harengs] [bataille de Rouvray]Battle of the Herrings [Battle of Rouvray] [in 1429, part of the siege of Orléans in the 100 Years' War. English forces decisively defeated French forces attempting to intercept a supply convoy.]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de la Montagne-Blanche [1620]Battle of White Mountain [1620] [defeat of the Bohemian Revolt, ensuring Habsburg control for the next 300 years]
hist. pol. Bulle {f} d'or (de 1356) [aussi : bulle d'or de Nuremberg ou bulle d'or de Metz]Golden Bull of 1356 [a decree which fixed, for a period of more than four hundred years, important aspects of the constitutional structure of the Holy Roman Empire]
hist. mil. pol. sixième guerre {f} d'Italie [1521 - 1525] [aussi : guerre de Quatre Ans]Italian War of 1521–1526 [also: Four Years' War]
hist. pol. Philippe {m} VI de Valois [1293-1350]Philip VI of Valois [1293-1350] [also Philip the Fortunate, King of France 1328-1350. His reign was dominated by a succession dispute, resulting in the start of the 100 Years' War in 1337]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Saint-James de Beuvron [1426]Siege of St. James [in 1426, as part of the 100 Years' War, England defeated France at Avranches. ]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Succession de Mantoue [1628 - 1631]War of the Mantuan Succession [1628 - 1631] [a proxy war between France and Spain during the 30 Years' War]
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