| French | English |  |
 | événement {m} contemporain de qn./qc. | event contemporaneous with sb./sth. |  |
Partial Matches |
 | être contemporain de qn. | to be sb.'s contemporary |  |
 | être contemporain de qc. | to be contemporary with sth. |  |
 | lieu {m} de l'événement | event location |  |
 | lieu {m} de l'événement | event venue |  |
 | tenir qn./qc. hors de portée de qn./qc. | to keep sb./sth. away from sb./sth. |  |
 | discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom] | to discredit sb./sth. in sb.'s eyes [loc.] |  |
 | discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom] | to discredit sb./sth. in the eyes of sb. [loc.] |  |
 | placer qn. sous la protection de qn./qc. | to place sb. under the protection of sb./sth. |  |
 | se renseigner auprès de qn. sur qn./qc. | to ask sb. about sb./sth. |  |
 | soustraire qn./qc. à la vue de qn. | to hide sb./sth. from sb.'s view |  |
 | dissocier qn./qc. de qn./qc. [séparer] | to separate sb./sth. from sb./sth. |  |
 | prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc. | to prejudice sb. in favor of sb./sth. [Am.] |  |
 | prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc. | to prejudice sb. in favour of sb./sth. [Br.] |  |
 | arracher qn./qc. de qn./qc. | to snatch sb./sth. from sb./sth. |  |
 | éloigner qn./qc. de qn./qc. | to keep sb./sth. back from sb./sth. |  |
 | éloigner qn./qc. de qn./qc. | to move sb/sth. away from sb./sth. |  |
 | séparer qn./qc. de qn./qc. | to separate sb./sth. from sb./sth. |  |
 | faire détourner qn. de qn./qc. | to turn sb. from sb./sth. |  |
 | action {f} de qn. sur qn./qc. | sb.'s influence on sb./sth. |  |
 | radier qn./qc. de qc. [d'une liste, etc.] | to cross sb./sth. off sth. |  |
 | radier qn./qc. de qc. [d'une liste, etc.] | to strike sb./sth. off sth. |  |
 | lancer qn./qc. au travers de qc. avec violence | to smash sb./sth. through sth. |  |
 | mettre qc. sur le compte de qn./qc. [fig.] | to put sth. down to sb./sth. [attribute] |  |
 | remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas] | to bring sb./sth. back up from sth. |  |
 | agir auprès de qn./qc. pour qc. [intervenir] | to approach sb./sth. for sth. |  |
 | méd. faire une injection de qc. à qn./qc. | to give sb./sth. an injection of sth. |  |
 | dr. ratisser qc. à la recherche de qn./qc. | to sweep sth. for sb./sth. [e.g. comb an area for sb./sth.] |  |
 | répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (among sb./sth.) |  |
 | répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (between sb./sth.) |  |
 | répartition {f} de qc. [personnes, terres, d'emplois] (entre qn./qc.) | dividing up of sth. (among sb./sth.) |  |
 | débarquer qn./qc. [passager, troupe] de qc. | to land sb./sth. from sth. |  |
 | rapporter qc. de qn./qc. [là-bas] | to bring sth. back from sb./sth. |  |
 | submerger qn./qc. [person, organization] (de qc.) | to inundate sb./sth. (with sth.) |  |
 | faire qc. sur ordre de qn./qc. | to do sth. at the behest of sb./sth. |  |
 | effets {m.pl} négatifs de qc. sur qc./qn. | adverse effects of sth. on sth./sb. |  |
 | couper qn. de qn./qc. | to cut sb. off from sb./sth. |  |
 | entretenir qn. de qn./qc. | to converse with sb. about sb./sth. |  |
 | garantir qn. de qn./qc. | to protect somebody from sb./sth. |  |
 | munir qn./qc. de qc. [équiper] | to equip sb./sth. with sth. |  |
 | ré-équiper qn./qc. de qc. | to re-equip sb./sth. with sth. |  |
 | ré-équiper qn./qc. de qc. | to reequip sb./sth. with sth. |  |
 | transmettre qc. auprès de qn./qc. | to convey sth. to sb./sth. |  |
 | comm. dr. fin. apport {m} de qn./qc. à qc. | contribution of sb./sth. to sth. |  |
 | abreuver qn./qc. de qc. | to load sb./sth. with sth. [fig.] [to excess] |  |
 | abriter qn./qc. de qc. | to get sb./sth. into safety from sth. |  |
 | armes mil. armer qn./qc. de qc. | to arm sb./sth. with sth. |  |
 | attendre qc. de qn./qc. | to expect sth. from sb./sth. |  |
 | couvrir qn./qc. de qc. | to wrap sb./sth. in sth. |  |
 | désabuser qn./qc. de qc. | to disabuse sb./sth. about sth. |  |