| French | English | |
| hist. mil. Montjoie Saint Denis! | Battle-cry and motto of the Kingdom of France. | |
Partial Matches |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} du Champ du Sang [1119] [aussi : bataille de l'Ager Sanguinis] | Battle of the Field of Blood [1119] [also: Battle of Ager Sanguinis, Battle of Sarmada, or the Battle of Balat] [Crusader army annihilated by the army of the Artuqid ruler of Aleppo] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} du Solent [1545] [aussi : bataille du Portsmouth] | Battle of the Solent [1545] [inconclusive engagement (during the Italian Wars) between the fleets of Francis I of France and Henry VIII of England] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Québec [1759] | Battle of the Plains of Abraham [1759] [also: Battle of Quebec] [deciding moment in the conflict between France and Britain over the fate of New France, influencing the later creation of Canada] | |
| hist. mil. journée {f} des Harengs [1429] [bataille des harengs] [bataille de Rouvray] | Battle of the Herrings [Battle of Rouvray] [in 1429, part of the siege of Orléans in the 100 Years' War. English forces decisively defeated French forces attempting to intercept a supply convoy.] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de l'Èbre [1938] | Battle of the Ebro [1938] [longest and largest battle of the Spanish Civil War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Alte Veste [1632] | Battle of the Alte Veste [1632] [victory of Catholic League forces over Swedish army] | |
| hist. pol. royaume {m} lombard [568 - 774] | Kingdom of the Lombards [568 - 774] [also: Lombard Kingdom and later Kingdom of (all) Italy] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de l'île d'Aix [1809] [aussi : affaire des brûlots] | Battle of the Basque Roads [1809] [also: Battle of Aix Roads] [major naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars, leaving many French ships badly damaged or trapped in home ports] | |
| bible arbre {m} de la connaissance du bien et du mal | tree of the knowledge of good and evil | |
| arch. relig. église {f} de la multiplication du pain | Church of the Multiplication (of the Loaves and Fishes) | |
| hist. mil. pol. seconde bataille {f} des lacs de Mazurie [1915] | Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes [1915] [German victory over Russia] [also: Winter Battle of the Masurian Lakes] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Abrittus [251] [aussi : bataille du forum Terebronii] | Battle of Abritus [251] [also: Battle of Forum Terebronii] [heavy defeat of Roman army by federation of Goths and Scyths] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Megiddo [609 av. J.-C.] | Battle of Megiddo [609 BC] [Pharaoh of Egypt defeated Kingdom of Judah] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Pavie [1525] | Battle of Pavia [1525] [Habsburg victory and capture of Francis I of France] | |
| bible Il est plus facile à un chameau de passer par le trou d'une aiguille qu'à un riche d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu. | It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. | |
| arts hist. mil. monument {m} de la Bataille des Nations | Monument to the Battle of the Nations [commemorates the defeat of Napoleon's French army at Leipzig in 1813] | |
| prov. C'est bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet. | That's six of one and half a dozen of the other. [idiom] | |
| C'est du pareil au même. [loc.] | That's six of one and half a dozen of the other. [idiom] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Lemberg [1914] | Battle of Lemberg [1914] [Russian defeat of Austro-Hungarian army] [also: Battle of Galicia] | |
| géogr. pol. République {f} française <RF> | Republic of France [official name of France] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Assandun [1016] | Battle of Assandun [1016] [also: Battle of Essendune] [Danish victory concluding their conquest of England] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Sadowa [1866] [aussi : bataille de Königgrätz] | Battle of Königgrätz [1866] [also: Battle of Sadowa] [Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire] | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {m} de Leipzig [1813] [aussi : bataille de Leipsick ou bataille des Nations] | Battle of Leipzig [1813] [also: Battle of the Nations] [Coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia decisively defeated the Grande Armée of Napoleon] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de Jérusalem [1099-1291] [aussi : royaume franc de Jérusalem] | Kingdom of Jerusalem [1099-1291] [also: Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem or the Frankish Kingdom of Palestine] | |
| hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Tchesmé [1770] | Battle of Chesme [first of a number of disastrous fleet battles for the Ottomans against Russia] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Stadtlohn [1623] | Battle of Stadtlohn [1623] [resounding Catholic victory marking end of 1st phase of 30 Years' War] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marignan [1515] | Battle of Marignano [1515] [Francis I, King of France defeated the Old Swiss Confederacy ending the War of the League of Cambrai] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Göllheim [1298] | Battle of Göllheim [1298] [victory confirming Albert I of Habsburg as King of the Holy Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Aïn Djalout [1260] | Battle of Ain Jalut [1260] [also: Battle of Ayn Jalut] [Mamluks of Egypt defeated the Mongol Empire] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} des champs Catalauniques [451] [aussi: bataille de Campus Mauriacus] | Battle of the Catalaunian Plains [451] [Western Roman Empire defeated the Hunnic Empire] [also: Battle of the Campus Mauriacus] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Forbach-Spicheren [1870] [aussi : bataille de Spicheren ou bataille de Forbach] | Battle of Spicheren [1870] [also: Battle of Forbach] [2nd of 3 critical French defeats in the Franco-Prussian War] | |
| géogr. Méridional {m} [du sud de la France] | person from the South of France | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Smolensk [1812] | Battle of Smolensk [1812] [1st major battle of the French invasion of Russia, where the Grande Armée drove the Russian Army out of the city] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de Naples | Kingdom of Naples [comprised the part of the Italian Peninsula south of the Papal States between 1282 and 1816.] | |
| séjourner dans le Midi | to spend time in the south of France | |
| géogr. Méridionale {f} [du sud de la France] | female person from the South of France | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Jaffa [1192] | Battle of Jaffa [1192] [final battle of the Third Crusade, after which Saladin and King Richard I of England were able to negotiate a truce, though Saladin retained possession of Jerusalem] | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Civetot [1096] | Battle of Civetot [1096] [Seljuk Turks of Anatolia defeated the forces of the People's Crusade] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Hochstett [1704] [aussi : bataille de Blenheim ou deuxième bataille de Höchstädt] | Battle of Blenheim [1704] [major battle of the War of the Spanish Succession when the overwhelming Allied victory ensured the safety of Vienna from the Franco-Bavarian army] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Andrinople [378] [aussi : bataille d'Adrianople ; aujourd'hui Edirne en Turquie européenne] | Battle of Adrianople [378] [also: Battle of Hadrianopolis] [overwhelming victory of the Goths over the Eastern Roman Empire] | |
| hist. mil. bataille {f} des Pyramides [1798] | Battle of the Pyramids [1798] [also: Battle of Embabeh] [French army, under Napoleon Bonaparte, scored a decisive victory, wiping out almost the entire Ottoman army located in Egypt] | |
| mil. cri {m} de ralliement | battle cry | |
| géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de Krasnoï [1812] [ou bataille de Krasnoje] | Battle of Krasnoi [1812] [also Battle of Krasny] [fought during the final stage of Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. The Russians inflicted heavy losses on the remnants of the Grande Armee] | |
| hist. mil. relig. bataille {f} de Hattin [1187] [aussi : bataille des cornes de Hattin ou bataille de Tibériade] | Battle of Hattin [1187] [also: Battle of the Horns of Hattin] [Muslim armies under Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces, and re-captured Jerusalem] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} des Deux-Siciles [1816-1860] | Kingdom of the Two Sicilies [1816-1860] | |
| étendard {m} royal du Royaume-Uni | Royal Standard of the United Kingdom [flag] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Peterwardein [1716] [auusi : bataille de Petrovaradin] | Battle of Petrovaradin [1716] [also: Battle of Peterwardein] [major victory of Habsburgs over the Ottomans during the Austro-Turkish War] | |
| cuis. géogr. longeole {f} | sausage of pork and fennel [speciality of the Canton of Geneva] | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Brouwershaven [1426] | Battle of Brouwershaven [in 1426, was part of the (1345-1490) wars over control of the Low Countries and resulted in victory for the Duke of Burgundy against mainly English forces] | |