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Dictionary French English: Bridge

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NOUN1   bridge [card game] | -
NOUN2   a bridge | bridges
VERB  to bridge | bridged | bridged ... 
SYNO   to bridge | to bridge over | bridge ... 
pont {m}
passerelle {f} (maritime)bridge
jeux bridge {m} [cartes]bridge [cards]
anat. arête {f} [de nez]bridge [of nose]
mus. chevalet {m}bridge [on a stringed instrument]
2 Words: Nouns
écol. trafic zool. écoduc {m}animal bridge [wildlife crossing]
écol. trafic passage {m} fauniqueanimal bridge [wildlife crossing]
écol. trafic passage {m} à fauneanimal bridge [wildlife crossing]
constr. construction {f} de pontsbridge building
constr. construction {f} de pontsbridge construction
occup. pont {m} [fig.] [long week-end]bridge day
trafic tablier {m} [de pont]bridge roadway
jeux meub. table {f} de bridgebridge table
médiation {f}bridge-building [fig.]
géogr. Pont {m} de BrooklynBrooklyn Bridge
pont {m} suspenduchain bridge
constr. pont {m} thermiquecold bridge [thermal bridge]
jeux bridge {m} contrat [aussi : Bridge contrat]contract bridge
constr. géogr. pont {m} de Crimée [aussi : pont du détroit de Kertch]Crimean Bridge [also: Kerch (Strait) Bridge]
constr. mil. pont {m} de secoursemergency bridge
naut. pont {m} flottantfloating bridge
mil. tech. pont {m} de pontonfloating bridge
naut. passerelle {f} de navigationnavigation bridge
constr. géogr. pont {m} Osmangazi [en Turquie]Osmangazi Bridge
constr. pont {m} sur pilotispile bridge
naut. pont {m} flottantpontoon bridge
mil. tech. pont {m} de pontonpontoon bridge
constr. mil. pont {m} provisoireprovisional bridge
pont {m} suspendususpension bridge
constr. suspension {f} d'un pontsuspension bridge
arch. constr. trafic pont {m} tournantswing bridge
pont {m} tournantswinge bridge
constr. mil. pont {m} provisoiretemporary bridge
constr. pont {m} thermiquethermal bridge
fin. trafic pont {m} à péagetoll bridge
constr. pont {m} sur chevaletstrestle bridge
électr. pont {m} de câblagewiring bridge
3 Words: Verbs
ingén. mil. lancer un pont sur une rivièreto bridge a river
faire la soudureto bridge the time
jeter un pont [entre deux rives, entre deux cultures]to build a bridge [between two banks, between two cultures]
4 Words: Others
juste avant le pont {adv}just before the bridge
4 Words: Verbs
fin. combler un trou dans qc. [budget]to bridge a gap in sth. [budget]
combler un vide dans qc. [conversation]to bridge a gap in sth. [conversation]
combler une lacune dans qc. [connaissance]to bridge a gap in sth. [knowledge]
s'engager sur un pontto go onto a bridge
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Dessau [1626]Battle of Dessau Bridge [1626] [Imperial German Catholic forces defeated the Danish Protestant forces]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Stamford Bridge [1066]Battle of Stamford Bridge [1066] [English army defeated invading Norwegian army]
anat. dos {m} du piedbridge of the foot [instep]
anat. arête {f} du nezbridge of the nose
5+ Words: Others
bicyc. trafic Traversée du pont : cyclistes pied à terre !Cyclists must dismount to cross the bridge!
On verra plus tard, chaque chose en son temps.We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
La nuit porte conseil. [loc.]We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. [idiom]
La nuit porte conseil. [loc.]We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
barbouiller un pont d'inscriptionsto daub graffiti all over a bridge
occup. faire le pont [loc.] [fam.]to take a bridge day off [idiom]
ingén. mil. lancer un pont sur une rivièreto throw a bridge across a river
se jeter du haut d'un pontto throw oneself off a bridge
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du pont Milvius [312]Battle of the Milvian Bridge [312] [Roman Emperor Constantine I defeated Roman Emperor Maxentius]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Un pont trop loinA Bridge too far [Richard Attenborough (1977)]
littérat. théâtre F Vu du pontA View from the Bridge [Arthur Miller (1955)]
film F La fille sur le pont [Patrice Leconte]Girl on the Bridge
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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