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French-English translation for: Geoffroy's marmoset
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Dictionary French English: Geoffroy's marmoset

Translation 1 - 50 of 6271  >>

NOUN   a Geoffroy's marmoset | Geoffroy's marmosets
zool. T
Keywords contained
zool. T
Partial Matches
zool. T
zool. T Unverified murin {m} émarginé [Myotis emarginatus]Geoffroy's bat
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T Unverified murin {m} émarginé [Myotis emarginatus]Geoffroy's myotis
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Ce n'est rien de spécial. [loc.]It's all in the day's work. [idiom]
agir par convictionto act on the strength of one's conviction(s)
faire qc. autant que l'on veutto do sth. to one's heart's content [idiom]
se tenir par la tailleto have one's arms round each other's waists
avoir la mort de qn. sur la conscience [loc.]to have sb.'s blood on one's hands [idiom]
imaginer qc.to see sth. in one's mind's eye [idiom]
se souvenir visuellement de qc.to see sth. in one's mind's eye [idiom]
C'est l'anéantissement d'un mois de travail.It's a whole month's work lost.
être au bout de son latin [loc.]to be at one's wit's end [idiom]
sauter au cou de qn.to fling one's arms around sb.'s neck
disposer de la vie de qn.to have sb.'s life in one's hands
savoir est son intérêtto know what's in one's best interest
remettre son sort entre les mains de qn.to put one's fate in sb.'s hands
anat. planter ses dents dans le bras de qn.to sink one's teeth into sb.'s arm
dormir tout son saoul [loc.]to sleep to one's heart's content [idiom]
anat. se pendre au cou de qn.to throw one's arms around sb.'s neck
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