| French | English | |
| – |
| géogr. Grandes Antilles {f.pl} | Greater Antilles [a grouping of the larger islands in the Caribbean Sea, including Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands] | |
| anat. grandes lèvres {f.pl} | labia majora {pl} | |
| grandes lignes {f.pl} | skeleton [fig.] [outline] | |
| grandes occasions {f.pl} | special occasions | |
| phys. RadioTV grandes ondes {f.pl} <GO> | long wave {sg} <LW> | |
| mus. relig. grandes orgues {f.pl} | organ {sg} [in church] | |
| éduc. grandes vacances {f.pl} | long vacation {sg} [Am.] | |
| éduc. grandes vacances {f.pl} | summer break {sg} | |
| éduc. grandes vacances {f.pl} | summer holiday {sg} [Br.] | |
3 Words: Others |
| aux grandes dents {adj} | buck-toothed | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. grandes invasions {f.pl} barbares | migration of (the) peoples | |
| pol. les Grandes Puissances {f.pl} | the Great Powers | |
4 Words: Others |
| dans les grandes largeurs {adv} [fam.] | well and truly | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | overall | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | generally speaking | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | on balance | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | all things considered [idiom] | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | by and large [idiom] | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | in the main [idiom] | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | for the most part [idiom] | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} | to all intents and purposes [idiom] | |
| dans les grandes lignes {adv} [loc.] | on the whole [idiom] | |
| dans les grandes lignes [loc.] | in the big picture [idiom] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| accomplir de grandes choses | to achieve great things | |
| boire qc. à grandes gorgées | to quaff sth. | |
| boire qc. à grandes gorgées | to gulp sth. down | |
| anat. suer à grandes gouttes | to sweat profusely | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| trains VocVoy. départ {m} des grandes lignes | (platforms {pl} for) main line departures | |
| pol. grandes lignes {f.pl} d'une politique | broad lines of a policy | |
| trains VocVoy. train {m} de grandes lignes | intercity (train) | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| définir les grandes lignes de qc. | to define the parameters of sth. | |
| dessiner les grandes lignes de qc. [plan, programme, objectif] | to outline sth. | |
| mener sa vie à grandes guides [loc.] | to live large [idiom] | |
| mener sa vie à grandes guides [loc.] | to live it up [idiom] | |
| mener sa vie à grandes guides [loc.] | to live in great style [idiom] | |
| mener sa vie à grandes guides [loc.] | to live like a lord [idiom] | |
| mener sa vie à grandes guides [loc.] | to live the high life [idiom] | |
| n'évoquer que les grandes lignes | to hit the high spots | |
| raconter un événement dans ses grandes lignes | to describe an event in broad outline | |
| se faire avoir dans les grandes largeurs [loc.] | to be taken in hook, line and sinker [idiom] | |
| tracer les grandes lignes d'une action | to map out the main lines of action (to be taken) | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| géogr. grandes îles {f.pl} de la Sonde [archipel de l'Asie du Sud-Est, comprennent Sumatra et Java ainsi que des îles proches] | Greater Sunda Islands | |
| trains quai {m} de départ des grandes lignes | main line departure platform | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| inform. F À travers les grandes plaines | Across the Plains [Robert Louis Stevenson (1892)] | |
| arts F Les Grandes Baigneuses [Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1887)] | The Large Bathers | |
| film littérat. F Les Grandes Espérances | Great Expectations [novel: Charles Dickens, film (1998) Director: Alfonso Cuarón] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
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