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Dictionary French English: HIS

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PRON  he | him | his ... 
son {pron}
his [determiner]
le sien {pron}his [possessive]
biochim. histidine {f} <His, H>histidine <His, H>
2 Words: Others
ses pairs {pron}his equals
ses pairs {pron}his peers
2 Words: Nouns
Sa Majesté {f} [roi]His Majesty
3 Words: Others
compte tenu de son âge {adv}considering his age
pour sa part {adv} [s'agissant d'un homme]for his part
quant à lui {adv}for his part
compte tenu de son âge {adv}given his age
Il en est resté bouche bée. [loc.]His jaw dropped. [idiom]
la soudaineté de sa morthis sudden death
pour sa part {adv} [s'agissant d'un homme]on his part
quant à lui {adv}on his part
dès son retour {adv}on his return [after his return]
C'est de son propre cru.That's his idea.
à sa défaveur {adv}to his discredit
4 Words: Others
suivant son habitude {adv}as was his custom
d'après lui {adv}by his own admission
Ses dents commencent à pousser.He's cutting his teeth. [He's teething.]
Ses jours sont comptés. [loc.]His days are numbered. [idiom]
Le temps lui est compté. [il va mourir] [loc.]His days are numbered. [idiom]
Son sort est scellé.His fate is sealed.
Son travail passe avant.His work comes first.
à titre personnel {adv}in his own name
de son cru {adv} [homme] [fig.]of his own devising
d'après lui {adv}on his own admission
arts Il fait de la peinture son violon d'Ingres. [loc.]Painting is his passion. [coll.] [idiom]
Cela relève de sa compétence.That's within his responsibility.
Chacun ses goûts.To each his own.
sous son extérieur cool {adv}underneath his cool exterior
de tout son poids {adv}with his full weight
4 Words: Verbs
être de sa fauteto be his / her fault
écarter qn. de son devoir [fig.]to distract sb. from his duty
saisir qn. par les revers de sa vesteto grab sb. by his lapels
tenir son bonne gardeto keep his guard up
rembarrer qn. [fam.]to put sb. in his place [coll.]
livrer qn. à la mortto send sb. to his death
dénoter sa générositéto speak of his generosity [idiom] [point to, indicate]
inform. allumer son ordinateurto switch on his computer [or her computer]
4 Words: Nouns
pol. Son Altesse Sérénissime {f}His/Her Serene Highness
quinquagénaire {m}man in his fifties
homme {m} de paroleman of his word
septuagénaire {m}person in his seventies
5+ Words: Others
tout le monde {pron}(all) the world and his wife [coll.] [hum.]
Charbonnier est maître chez soi. [loc.]A man's home is his castle. [Am.] [idiom]
Charbonnier est maître chez soi. [loc.]An Englishman's home is his castle. [Br.] [idiom]
contrairement à son attentecontrary to his / her expectation
Savez-vous il est ?Do you know his whereabouts?
Chacun son tour.Each one in his turn.
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