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French-English translation for: Her
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Dictionary French English: Her

Translation 1 - 69 of 69

PRON  she | her | her [adj]/hers [pron] ... 
son {pron}
her [determiner]
lui {pron}
her [indirect]
la {pron}her [direct]
2 Words: Nouns
Sa Majesté {f} [reine]Her Majesty
3 Words: Others
à cause d'elle {adv}because of her
Inspirez-vous d'elle !Follow her example!
quant à elle {adv}for her part
C'est son anniversaire.It's her birthday. [also: his birthday (depending on the subject)]
quant à elle {adv}on her part
qc. lui seyaitsth. suited him / her
qc. lui siedsth. suits him / her
3 Words: Nouns
désordre {m} de sa conduiteher wild behaviour [also: his wild behaviour]
4 Words: Others
Elle lui manque.He / She misses her.
Elle les accompagna du regard. [fig.]Her eyes followed them. [fig.]
Je ne peux pas la sentir ! [fam.] [loc.]I can't stand her!
Elle m'insupporte.I can't stand her.
Ça dépend d'elle.It's up to her.
Elle plaît aux hommes.Men find her attractive.
de son cru {adv} [femme] [fig.]of her own devising
C'est tout à fait elle !That's just like her!
Pense à lui / elle. [fam.]Think about him / her.
Qu'est-elle devenue ?What became of her?
Que lui est-elle arrivé ? [personne]What happened to her?
4 Words: Verbs
être de sa fauteto be his / her fault
accoucher qn. de son filsto deliver sb. of her son
4 Words: Nouns
dr. bureau {m} du registre foncier <RF>(Her Majesty's) Land Registry [Br.] <(HM) Land Registry>
pol. Son Altesse Sérénissime {f}His/Her Serene Highness
septuagénaire {f}person in her seventies
quinquagénaire {f}woman in her fifties
femme {f} de parolewoman of her word
5+ Words: Others
au gré de sa fantaisieas the fancy took him / her
Puis-je lui transmettre quelque chose ?Can I take a message for him / her?
contrairement à son attentecontrary to his / her expectation
Savez-vous je peux la trouver ?Do you know where I can find her?
Ne le lui donne pas elle). [fam.]Don't give it to her.
Ne la lâchez pas d'une semelle ! [loc.]Don't let her out of your sight!
Donne-le-lui. [fam.]Give it to him / her.
Il lui a collé trois gosses.He got her pregnant three times.
Il est plus âgé qu'elle.He is older than her.
Elle m'a plu tout de suite.I liked her straight away.
télécom. Je vous la passe. [communication téléphonique]I'll put you through to her. [telephone conversation]
C'est son gagne-pain. [loc.]It is her bread and butter. [idiom]
La connaissant, ça ne me surprend pas.Knowing her, I'm not surprised.
Telle que je la connais, elle va être en retard.Knowing her, she's bound to be late.
Laisse-la mariner ! [fam.]Let her stew for a while ! [coll.]
Personne ne savait ce qu'elle était devenue.Nobody knew what had become of her.
Elle s'est coupé le doigt.She cut her (own) finger (off). [either surface cut or complete amputation]
Elle s'est coupée au doigt.She cut her (own) finger.
Elle ne laisse rien paraître de ses sentiments.She doesn't let her feelings show at all.
Elle est trop faible avec ses enfants.She lets her kids get away with everything. [coll.]
C'est une sainte nitouche. [fam.] [péj.] [loc.]She looks as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. [coll.] [pej.] [idiom]
Elle vieillit bien.She looks good for her age.
Elle a un corps savoureux. [loc.]She's got a gorgeous body on her. [coll.] [idiom]
Les écailles lui sont tombées des yeux. [loc.]The scales fell from his / her eyes. [idiom]
Il n'y avait rien à redire à son raisonnement.There was nothing wrong with his / her reasoning.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle a ?What's the matter with her?
Avec son culot, elle s'en tirera toujours. [loc.]With her cheek, she'll always come out on top. [idiom]
Tu la vaux largement.You're every bit as good as her.
5+ Words: Verbs
renvoyer qn. avec pertes et fracas [loc.]to give sb. his / her marching orders [idiom]
occup. signifier à une employée qu'elle est congédiéeto inform an employee [female] of her dismissal
fin. sucer les économies de qn. [fig.] [fam.]to milk sb. of his/her savings [fig.] [coll.]
immo. emménager qn. dans sa nouvelle maisonto move sb. into his / her new house
renvoyer qn. dans son paysto send sb. back to his/her own country
dégrader qn. [déchoir]to strip sb. of his / her status [downgrade]
5+ Words: Nouns
penseuse {f} qui a devancé ses contemporainsthinker who is ahead of her time
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F La Mort vous va si bienDeath Becomes Her [Robert Zemeckis (1992)]
film F Hannah et ses sœursHannah and her sisters [Woody Allen (1986)]
film F Parle avec elleTalk to Her [Pedro Almodóvar (2002)]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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