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French-English translation for: Major
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Dictionary French English: Major

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ADJ   major | - | -
NOUN   a major | majors
VERB  to major | majored | majored ... 
SYNO   John Major | John R. Major ... 
capital {adj} [importance]major
majeur {adj}major
considérable {adj}major [considerable]
fort {adj} [considérable]major [considerable]
grave {adj} [problème]major [problem]
mil. adjudant-major {m}adjudant
mil. occup. commandant {m}major
mil. occup. major {m}major
éduc. sci. matière {f} principalemajor [Am.]
éduc. dominante {f} [université]major [Am.] [main subject]
2 Words: Verbs
important dégâts {m.pl}major damage {sg}
éduc. se spécialiser en qc. [sujet]to major in sth.
2 Words: Nouns
mil. occup. officier {m} d'état-majorbrass hat [Br.] [sl.] [staff officer]
mus. ut {m} majeurC major <C>
astron. Grand Chien {m} <CMa> [aussi : Grand chien] [constellation]Canis Major [constellation]
mus. {m} majeurD major
mus. tambour-major {m}drum-major
mil. état-major {m} [personnes]general staff
mus. mode {m} majeurmajor (key)
comm. écon. grosse commande {f}major contract
important retard {m}major delay
pol. grande manifestation {f}major demonstration
erreur {f} capitalemajor error
mil. occup. général {m} de divisionmajor general
alim. biol. principaux nutriments {m.pl}major nutrients
mil. attaque {f} de grande enverguremajor offensive
pol. grande puissance {f}major power
grand problème {m}major problem
film RadioTV théâtre rôle {m} majeurmajor role
mus. gamme {f} majeuremajor scale
mus. seconde {f} majeuremajor second
mus. tierce {f} majeuremajor third
mil. état-major {m} [personnes]military staff
mil. adjudant-chef {m}sergeant-major [Am.]
mil. adjutant-chef {m}sergeant-major [Am.]
mil. sergent-major {m}sergeant-major [Br.]
mil. occup. officier {m} d'état-majorstaff officer
astron. Grand Chariot {m} [Grande Casserole]Ursa Major
astron. Grande Ourse {f} <UMa> [aussi : Grande ourse] [constellation]Ursa Major <UMa>
3 Words: Others
mus. en do majeur {adv}in C major
3 Words: Nouns
mil. occup. chef {m} d'état-majorChief of Staff
mil. occup. chef {f} d'état-majorChief of Staff [female]
mus. {m} bémol majeurD flat major
premier grain {m} de sable [fig.]first major challenge
psych. dépression {f} majeuremajor depressive disorder
écon. poids {m} économique majeurmajor economic impact
4 Words: Others
mus. en majeur {adv}in a major key
C'est un problème majeur !It's a major problem!
4 Words: Verbs
risquer grosto take a major risk
5+ Words: Verbs
gonfler qc. [incident] [fam.] [exagérer]to blow sth. up into a major issue
dégager quelques points fortsto discern a number of major points
réussir un gros coup [loc.]to pull off a major deal [idiom]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Les Carnets du major Thompson [Pierre Daninos]The Diary of Major Thompson
film F Les Carnets du major ThompsonThe French, They Are a Funny Race [Preston Sturges]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
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