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Dictionary French English: Picture

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

NOUN   a picture | pictures
VERB  to picture | pictured | pictured ... 
SYNO   impression | mental picture | picture ... 
se figurer qn./qc.to picture sb./sth.
imaginer qc.to picture sth.
image {f}
dessin {m}picture [drawing]
journ. illustration {f} [petite image]picture [in newspaper etc.]
arts tableau {m}picture [painting]
photo. cliché {m} [photographie]picture [photograph]
2 Words: Others
ravissant {adj}picture-perfect
joli comme un cœur {adj} [loc.]picture-perfect
2 Words: Verbs
s'imaginerto picture oneself
photo. prendre qn. en phototo take sb.'s picture
2 Words: Nouns
éduc. photo. photo {f} de classeclass picture
méd. signes {m.pl} cliniquesclinical picture
méd. tableau {m} cliniqueclinical picture
arts décalcomanie {f}decalcomania picture
arts encadrement {m} [tableau]framed picture
arts fixé {m}glass-picture
RadioTV image {f} nettegood picture [on television]
math. phys. représentation {f} de HeisenbergHeisenberg picture [also: Heisenberg representation]
math. phys. représentation {f} d'interaction [aussi : représentation de Dirac]interaction picture [also: interaction representation or Dirac picture]
film film {m}motion picture
aperçu {m} généraloverall picture
vue {f} d'ensembleoverall picture
livre {m} d'imagespicture book
description {f} d'imagepicture description
description {f} de tableaupicture description
arts cadre {m} de tableaupicture frame
arts occup. encadreur {m}picture framer
arts occup. encadreuse {f}picture framer [female]
arts photo. photothèque {f} [lieu]picture library
VocVoy. carte {f} postale (illustrée)picture postcard
inform. photo. traitement {m} d'imagespicture processing
photo. tech. cadence {f} d'imagespicture sequence
arch. baie {f} vitréepicture window
constr. fenêtre {f} panoramiquepicture window
RadioTV image {f} défectueusepoor picture [on television]
math. phys. représentation {f} de SchrödingerSchrödinger picture [also: Schrödinger representation]
film image {f} fixestill picture
journ. photo. image {f} prétextesymbolic picture
aperçu {m} généraltotal picture
vue {f} d'ensembletotal picture
arts décalcomanie {f}transfer picture
photo. photo {f} de mariagewedding picture
3 Words: Verbs
arts faire un dessinto draw a picture
photo. prendre une phototo take a picture
3 Words: Nouns
arts film 7e art {m}motion picture art
arts film septième art {m}motion picture art
film studio {m} de cinémamotion picture studio
météo. temps {m} de rêvespicture-book weather
météo. temps {m} de rêvespicture-perfect weather
film prise {f} de vue au ralentislow motion picture
4 Words: Others
dans les grandes lignes [loc.]in the big picture [idiom]
4 Words: Verbs
être au courant [loc.]to be in the picture [idiom]
suspendre un tableauto hang up a picture
arts tracer un portrait de qn.to paint a picture of sb.
mettre qn. au courantto put sb. in the picture
mettre qn. au parfum [fam.]to put sb. in the picture [coll.]
photo. prendre qc. en phototo take a picture of sth.
5+ Words: Others
joli comme une image {adj}(as) pretty as a picture [coll.]
loc. joli comme un cœur {adj} [loc.](as) pretty as a picture [idiom]
Pigé ? [fam.]Have you got the picture ? [Am.] [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
être joli à croquer [loc.]to be (as) pretty as a picture [idiom]
être joli comme un cœur [loc.]to be (as) pretty as a picture [idiom]
être hors du coup [loc.] [non impliqué]to be out of the picture [idiom] [no longer a suspect]
se faire une idée claire de qc. [loc.]to form a clear picture of sth. [idiom]
se faire une idée claire de qc. [loc.]to form a precise picture of sth. [idiom]
déborder en coloriant un dessinto go over the edges while coloring in a picture [Am.]
arts déborder en coloriant un dessinto go over the edges while colouring in a picture [Br.]
peindre qc. en noir [loc.]to paint a black picture of sth. [idiom]
faire briller un voyage à qn.to paint a glowing picture of a trip to sb. [idiom]
dépeindre qn. comme qc.to paint a picture of sb. as sth. [idiom] [describe]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Le Portrait de Dorian GrayThe Picture of Dorian Gray [Oscar Wilde]
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