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French-English translation for: Pillow Talk
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Dictionary French English: Pillow Talk

Translation 1 - 50 of 144  >>

film F Confidences sur l'oreillerPillow Talk [Michael Gordon]
Partial Matches
oreiller {m}pillow
bataille {f} de polochons [fam.]pillow fight
occup. textile dentellier {m}pillow lace maker
occup. textile dentellière {f}pillow lace maker [female]
faire gonfler un oreillerto fluff (up) a pillow
dormir à platto sleep without a pillow
étouffer qn. avec un oreillerto smother sb. with a pillow
aller se coucherto hit the pillow [idiom] [go to bed]
enfouir son visage dans un oreillerto bury one's face in a pillow
appuyer sa tête sur un oreillerto rest one's head on a pillow
anat. caler sa tête sur un oreillerto rest one's head on a pillow
méd. glisser un oreiller sous la tête d'un maladeto slide a pillow under a patient's head
causer [fam.]to talk
converserto talk
deviserto talk
discourir [littéraire] [bavarder]to talk
discuter [parler]to talk
entretien {m}talk
parler (qc.)to talk (sth.)
causerie {f}talk [chat]
conversation {f}talk [conversation]
discussion {f}talk [discussion]
parler affairesto talk business
dire des orduresto talk dirty
radoter [dire des bêtises]to talk drivel
parler avec abandonto talk freely
être un vrai moulin à paroles [loc.]to talk incessantly
débloquer [fam.] [en parlant]to talk nonsense
déconner [fam.] [dire des bêtises]to talk nonsense
déraisonnerto talk nonsense
dire des âneriesto talk nonsense
dire des bêtisesto talk nonsense
divaguer [fam.] [péj.]to talk nonsense
raconter des balivernes [fam.]to talk nonsense
raconter des inepties [fam.]to talk nonsense
pol. causer politiqueto talk politics
débiter des niaiseriesto talk rubbish
dire des sottisesto talk rubbish
dire des cochonneries [loc.]to talk salaciously
causer travailto talk shop
ling. mamanais {m}baby talk
propos {m.pl} inconsidérésloose talk
comm. argumentaire {m}sales talk
causeries {f.pl}small talk
propos {m.pl} de tabletable talk
RadioTV talk-show {m}talk show
propos {m.pl} inflexiblestough talk
exposé {m}talk [speech, lecture]
confesser qn. [fam.] [faire parler]to make sb. talk
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