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Dictionary French English: Rest

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

NOUN1   rest | -
NOUN2   a rest | rests
VERB  to rest | rested | rested ... 
SYNO   relief | respite | rest ... 
se reposerto rest
reste {m}
repos {m}
rest [relaxation]
relâche {f} [pause]rest
sommeil {m}rest [Am.] [sleep]
mus. silence {m}rest [interval of silence]
complément {m} [reste]rest [remainder]
fin. reliquat {m} [de somme]rest [remainder]
reste {m}rest [remainder]
suite {f} [reste]rest [remainder]
appui {m}rest [support]
constr. étançon {m}rest [support]
support {m}rest [support]
2 Words: Verbs
dormir sur ses deux oreilles [loc.] [fig.]to rest easy [fig.]
appuyer qc. sur qc. [partie du corps]to rest sth. on sth.
baser sur qc.to rest upon sth. [evidence etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
accoudoir {m}arm-rest
repos {m} absolucomplete rest
fermeture {f} hebdomadaireday's rest [closing day]
mus. demi-soupir {m}eighth rest [Am.]
relig. repos {m} éterneleternal rest
mus. demi-pause {f}half rest [Am.]
auto appuie-tête {m}head rest
cuis. outil. repose-couteau {m}knife rest
mus. demi-pause {f}minim rest [Br.]
moment {m} de relâchemoment's rest
mus. demi-soupir {m}quaver rest [Br.]
trafic VocVoy. aire {f} de reposrest area
méd. cure {f} de reposrest cure
sport jour {m} de reposrest day
maison {f} de reposrest home
phys. masse {f} invarianterest mass
phys. masse {f} proprerest mass
phys. masse {f} au reposrest mass
écol. fin. risque {m} résiduelrest risk
mus. pause {f} [solfège]semibreve rest [Br.] [musical theory]
mus. quart {m} de soupirsemiquaver rest
mus. pause {f} [solfège]whole rest [Am.] [musical theory]
3 Words: Others
Soyez assuré que ...Rest assured that ...
relig. Repose en paixRest in peace <RIP>
3 Words: Verbs
reprendre haleine [fig.]to have a rest
se reposerto have a rest
inhumer qn.to lay sb. to rest [idiom] [bury sb.]
œnol. faire reposer le vinto rest the wine
se reposerto take a rest
3 Words: Nouns
relig. chapelle {f} ardentechapel of rest
jour {m} de reposday of rest
fermeture {f} hebdomadaireday of rest [closing day]
mus. bâton {m} de pausedouble whole rest [also: double rest or breve rest]
phys. tech. état {f} de reposstate of rest
le reste {m} de qc.the rest of sth.
repos {m} bien méritéwell-deserved rest
4 Words: Verbs
se reposer sur ses lauriers [loc.]to rest on one's laurels [idiom]
s'arrêter pour se reposerto stop for a rest
5+ Words: Others
meub. en accord avec le reste du mobilier {adv}in keeping with the rest of the furniture
Je me charge du reste.Leave the rest to me.
Mon repos m'a fait le plus grand bien.My rest did me a world of good.
Pas de répit pour les braves. [loc.]There's no rest for the wicked. [idiom]
Ce qu'il vous faut, c'est du repos.What you need is a rest.
Tu imagines le reste.You can imagine the rest.
5+ Words: Verbs
météo. être isolé du reste du monde [village]to be cut off from the rest of the world
faire qc. par acquit de conscience [loc.]to do sth. to put one's mind at rest [idiom]
rassurer qn. sur qc.to put sb.'s mind at rest about sth.
reposer sur une base solideto rest on a sound basis
appuyer sa tête sur un oreillerto rest one's head on a pillow
anat. caler sa tête sur un oreillerto rest one's head on a pillow
méd. pharm. prendre qc. à vie [traitement etc.]to take sth. for the rest of one's life [medicine etc.]
s'accorder une trêveto treat oneself to a rest
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