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| géogr. Saint-Louis {f} [aussi : Saint-Louis-du-Sénégal] | Saint-Louis | |
| arch. arts relig. cathédrale {f} Saint-Louis de Carthage [aussi : connue dès 1993 sous le nom d'Acropolium] | Saint Louis Cathedral [also: Acropolium] | |
| hist. pol. Saint Louis {m} [Louis IX le Prudhomme] [1214-1270] | Louis IX [1214-1270] [also known as Saint Louis or Louis the Saint] [King of France 1226-1270 during a medieval golden age in which France reached an economic and political peak] | |
Partial Matches |
| géogr. pol. Port-Louis {f} [capitale de Maurice] | Port Louis | |
| hist. Louis {m} VIII le Lion [1187-1226] | Louis VIII [1187-1226] [nicknamed 'The Lion'] [King of France from 1223 to 1226. He invaded England briefly in 1216] | |
| géogr. golfe {m} du Saint-Laurent | Gulf of Saint Lawrence | |
| relig. la Saint Nicolas {f} | Saint Nicholas Day [also: the Feast of Saint Nicholas] | |
| relig. Demain c'est la Saint-Nicolas. | It is Saint Nicholas Day tomorrow. | |
| littérat. F Saint Lendemain | Saint Maybe [Anne Tyler] | |
| hist. pol. Louis {m} X [1289-1316] [aussi : Louis le Hutin] | Louis X [1289-1316] [King of France 1314-1316] [also: Louis the Quarrelsome, the Headstrong, or the Stubborn] | |
| hist. pol. Louis {m} XVI [1754-1793] | Louis XVI [1754-1793] [the last King of France from 1774 until he was guillotined and the fall of the monarchy in 1793 during the French Revolution] | |
| hist. pol. Louis {m} XIV [1638-1715] [aussi : Louis le Grand ou le Roi-Soleil] | Louis XIV [1638-1715] [also: Louis the Great or the Sun King] [King of France from 1643 until his death] | |
| géogr. Saint-Thomas {m} [îles Vierges des États-Unis] | Saint Thomas [U.S. Virgin Islands] | |
| film F La Veuve de Saint-Pierre [Patrice Leconte] | The Widow of Saint-Pierre | |
| relig. Saint Nicolas {m} | Saint Nicholas | |
| hist. pol. Louis {m} XV [1710-1774] [aussi : Louis le Bien-Aimé] | Louis XV [1710-1774] [also: Louis the Beloved] [ King of France 1715 until his death in 1774. His reign included the 7 Years' War when France ceded New France to Britain] | |
| arch. géogr. relig. cathédrale {f} Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Georges de Bamberg | Bamberg Cathedral | |
| arch. relig. cathédrale {f} protestante Saint-Pierre de Genève | Saint Pierre Cathedral | |
| relig. Saint Révérien d'Autun | Saint Reverianus of Autun | |
| géogr. golfe {m} de Saint-Tropez | Gulf of Saint-Tropez | |
| math. onom. phys. Augustin {m} Louis, baron Cauchy [1789-1857] | Augustin-Louis Cauchy [1789-1857] | |
| astron. math. onom. Joseph {m} Louis de Lagrange [1736-1813] | Joseph-Louis Lagrange [1736-1813] | |
| hist. relig. Règle {f} de saint Benoît | Rule of Saint Benedict [book of precepts written in 516 for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot] | |
| géogr. pol. Seine-Saint-Denis {f} [département français situé dans la région Île-de-France] | Seine-Saint-Denis | |
| onom. Louis {m} | Lewis | |
| géogr. Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon {f} [collectivité d'outre-mer] | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | |
| hist. pol. relig. édit {m} de tolérance de Saint-Germain [1562] | Edict of Saint-Germain [1562] | |
| hist. pol. relig. massacre {m} de la Saint-Barthélemy [1572] | Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre [1572] | |
| géogr. myth. île {f} de Saint-Brendan [île fantôme située à l'ouest de l'Europe] | Saint Brendan's Island [also: Saint Brendan's Isle or San Borondon] | |
| géogr. pol. Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines {m} | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines <.vc> | |
| géogr. Saint-Laurent du Maroni {f} [commune française située dans le département de la Guyane] | Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Saint-Mihiel [1918] | Battle of Saint-Mihiel [1918] | |
| arch. géogr. relig. abbaye {f} du Mont-Saint-Michel | Abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel | |
| hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Saint-Pétersbourg [1812] | Treaty of Saint Petersburg [1812] [between Sweden and the Russian Empire, establishing an alliance against the French Empire of Napoleon] | |
| arch. géogr. relig. basilique {f} Saint-Denis [église située au centre de la ville de Saint-Denis, à 5 kilomètres au nord de Paris] | Basilica of Saint-Denis | |
| hist. louis {m} [fam.] | [French slang for: twenty francs] | |
| géogr. baie {f} du Mont-Saint-Michel | Mont-Saint-Michel Bay | |
| orn. T | | |
| géogr. Saint-Barthélemy {f} [une île française des petites Antilles et un pays et territoire d'outre-mer] | Saint Barthélemy [also: the Collectivité territoriale de Saint-Barthélemy] [an overseas collectivity of France in the Caribbean] | |
| hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Saint-Clair-sur-Epte [911] | Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte [in 911 between King of West Francia and the Vikings, establishing the Duchy of Normandy] | |
| géogr. pol. Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès {f} [aussi : Saint-Christophe-et-Nevis, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis ou Fédération de Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès] | Saint Kitts and Nevis <.kn> [also: Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis] | |
| géogr. Saint-Martin {f} [un territoire français situé dans les Caraïbes, dans la partie nord de l'île de Saint-Martin, dans les Antilles, et collectivité d'outre-mer française] | Saint Martin [also: the Collectivity of Saint Martin] [an overseas collectivity of France in the West Indies] | |
| relig. saint {adj} | holy | |
| relig. saint {adj} | saintly | |
| relig. saint {m} <St.> | saint <St> | |
| relig. saint patron {m} | patron saint | |
| zool. T | | |
| relig. sainte {f} <Ste> | saint [female] | |
| relig. Esprit {m} saint | Holy Ghost | |
| relig. Esprit {m} saint | Holy Spirit | |