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French-English translation for: Six Day War
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Dictionary French English: Six Day War

Translation 1 - 50 of 608  >>

SYNO   Arab-Israeli War | Six Day War ... 
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} des Six Jours [1967]Six-Day War [1967] [also: June War, 1967 Arab–Israeli War or Third Arab–Israeli War]
Partial Matches
VocVoy. J'aimerais six timbres à quarante-six pence.I'd like six forty-six pence stamps. [Br.]
au quotidien {adv}on a day-to-day basis
vie {f} quotidienneday-to-day life
nonante-six [suisse] [belge]ninety-six
septante-six [suisse] [belge]seventy-six
six centssix hundred
six millesix thousand
tous les six mois {adv}six-monthly
math. hexagonal {adj}six-sided
jeux double {m} sixdouble six [dice]
tous les six mois {adv}every six months
math. théorème {m} des six exponentiellessix exponentials theorem
inform. sextet {m}six-bit byte
écart {m} de six moissix-month interval
zool. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
aux environs de six heures {adv}around six o'clock
en dessous de six ansunder six years (old)
méd. être enceinte de six semainesto be six weeks pregnant
écart {m} de six moisinterval of six months
math. théorème {m} pointu des six exponentiellessharp six exponentials theorem
arch. six étages {m.pl}six flights (of stairs)
math. théorème {m} fort des six exponentiellesstrong six exponentials theorem
Il est six heures.It's six o'clock.
à six heures pétante {adv}at exactly six o'clock
sport suspendre qn. pour six moisto suspend sb. for six months
sport les six mètres {m.pl}the six-yard box [soccer]
après six minutes d'attente {adv}after waiting for six minutes
dr. faire six jours de celluleto do six days in solitary
RadioTV feuilleton {m} en six partiestelevision serial in six parts
écarter qc. [plan]to deep-six sth. [plan] [Am.] [coll.]
zigouiller qn. [fam.]to eighty-six sb. [Am.] [coll.] [murder]
couper qc. en six parts égalesto cut sth. into six equal portions
sonner qn. [fam.] [loc.] [assommer, ébranler]to knock sb. for six [coll.] [idiom] [stun]
fin. payer le restant en six mensualitésto pay the balance in six monthly instalments
film F Il y a un homme dans le lit de mamanWith Six You Get Eggroll [Howard Morris]
C'est du pareil au même. [loc.]That's six of one and half a dozen of another. [idiom]
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