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Dictionary French English: Staff

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NOUN1   staff [building material] | -
NOUN2   - | staff [employees; group of officers] [sg or pl in construction]
NOUN3   a staff [music] | staves
NOUN4   a staff [stick] | staffs/staves
VERB  to staff | staffed | staffed ... 
SYNO   staff | stave | faculty | staff
bâton {m}
staff [rod, stick]
occup. personnel {m}
mus. portée {f}staff
staff {m} [plâtre, personne]staff
2 Words: Others
Accès réservé au personnel !Staff only!
Accès réservé au service !Staff only!
2 Words: Verbs
occup. dégraisser [fam.] [fig.] [réduire le nombre d'employés]to shed staff [coll.]
2 Words: Nouns
éduc. occup. corps {m} enseignant [au niveau d'une école, d'un lycée]academic staff
comm. occup. personnel {m} improductifancillary staff
personnel {m} de nettoyagecleaning staff
comm. occup. agents {m.pl} contractuelscontract staff
occup. employés {m.pl} de maisondomestic staff
occup. gens {m.pl} de maisondomestic staff
occup. ensemble {m} des domestiquesdomestic staff [treated as sg. or pl.]
occup. domestiques {m.pl}domestic staff {sg}
mât {m} de pavillonflag staff
mil. état-major {m} [personnes]general staff
occup. domestiques {m.pl}household staff {sg}
personnel {m} humanitairehumanitarian staff
cuis. occup. brigade {f} de cuisine [équipe]kitchen staff
méd. occup. personnel {m} médicalmedical staff
mil. état-major {m} [personnes]military staff
méd. personnel {m} infirmiernursing staff
relig. bourdon {m} [de pèlerin]pilgrim's staff
occup. trains cheminots {pl}railroad staff [Am.]
occup. trains cheminots {pl}railway staff [Br.]
occup. dégraissage {m} [fam.] [diminution du personnel]shedding staff
écon. occup. compression {f} de personnelstaff cutbacks {pl}
écon. occup. compression {f} de personnelstaff cuts {pl}
occup. délégation {f} du personnelstaff delegates {pl}
mil. occup. officier {m} d'état-majorstaff officer
écon. occup. compression {f} de personnelstaff reduction
occup. dégraissage {m} des effectifs [fam.]staff reduction
occup. suppression {f} d'emploisstaff reductions
occup. délégation {f} du personnelstaff representatives {pl}
éduc. salle {f} des professeursstaff room [school]
mil. occup. sergent-chef {m} [de terre]staff sergeant
écon. occup. pénurie {f} de personnelstaff shortage
occup. fluctuations {f.pl} de la main-d'œuvrestaff turnover
occup. encadrement {m} [personnel de supervision]supervisory staff
éduc. occup. personnel {m} d'encadrementsupport staff [also treated as pl.]
éduc. occup. corps {m} enseignant [au niveau d'une école, d'un lycée]teaching staff
éduc. occup. personnel {m} enseignantteaching staff
adm. occup. agents {m.pl} temporairestemporary staff
3 Words: Verbs
occup. demander du personnel qualifiéto seek qualified staff
3 Words: Nouns
mil. occup. chef {m} d'état-majorChief of Staff
mil. occup. chef {f} d'état-majorChief of Staff [female]
occup. pol. cabinet {m} ministérielminister's personal staff
adm. occup. titulaire {m} [dans un ministère, une administration]permanent staff member
adm. occup. titulaire {f} [dans un ministère, une administration]permanent staff member [female]
écon. occup. compression {f} de personnelreduction in staff
écon. occup. pénurie {f} de personnelshortage of staff
4 Words: Verbs
occup. demander du personnel qualifiéto look for qualified staff
comm. n'avoir qu'un personnel restreintto only have limited staff [business]
5+ Words: Others
occup. Il demande beaucoup de son personnel.He expects a lot of his staff.
5+ Words: Verbs
adm. occup. être titulaire d'un poste [d'administration]to be a permanent staff member
occup. dégraisser les effectifs du personnelto cut out the deadwood from the staff [fig.]
inform. occup. tech. adapter le personnel aux nouvelles technologiesto get the staff to adapt to new technologies
occup. n'avoir qu'un personnel restreintto only have a small staff [business]
s'adresser collectivement au personnelto speak to the staff as a body
5+ Words: Nouns
occup. diminution {f} des effectifsreduction in the number of staff
occup. mouvement {m} de personnel dans une entreprisestaff changes in a company
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