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Dictionary French English: Transport

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NOUN   le transport | les transports
NOUN1   a transport | transports
NOUN2   transport | -
VERB  to transport | transported | transported ... 
SYNO   tape drive | tape transport ... 
acheminer qn./qc.
to transport sb./sth.
naut. transp. embarquer qc.to transport sth. (by ship)
transporter qn./qc.to transport sb./sth.
transp. acheminement {m}transport
naut. transp. avarie {f}transport damage
écon. naut. transp. batellerie {f}inland waterway transport
aviat. transp. hélitransport {m}heli-transport
transp. navette {f}shuttle transport
transport {m}transport
transport {m} [moyen]conveyance [formal or hum.] [means of transport]
2 Words: Nouns
comm. occup. agent {m} d'ambiancesafety officer in community transport
comm. occup. agente {f} d'ambiancesafety officer in community transport [female]
alim. méd. transp. convoi {m} humanitairerelief aid transport
aviat. transport {m} aérienair transport
aviat. transport {m} aérienair transportation [esp. Am.]
transp. transport {m} exceptionnel [aussi : convoi exceptionnel]abnormal transport
transp. transport {m} exceptionnel [aussi : convoi exceptionnel]exceptional transport
transp. transport {m} exceptionnel [aussi : convoi exceptionnel]oversized transport
biol. transport {m} membranairemembrane transport
trafic transp. transport {m} publicshort-distance public transport [Br.]
trafic transp. transport {m} publicshort-range public transportation [Am.]
transp. transport {m} routierhaulage
transp. transport {m} terrestreland transport
transp. transport {m} terrestresurface transport
trafic transp. transports {m.pl} collectifsmass transport {sg}
trafic transp. transports {m.pl} collectifspublic transport {sg}
3 Words: Verbs
comm. transp. transporter des marchandisesto transport goods
3 Words: Nouns
zool. boîte {f} de transportpet carrier
transp. caisse {f} de transporttransportation box
transp. caisse {f} de transporttransportation crate
fin. carte {f} de transporttravel card
fin. transp. convoyage {m} de fondscash transport
fin. transp. convoyage {m} de fondstransport of money
comm. écon. transp. entreprise {f} de transporthaulage firm
frais {m.pl} de transporthaulage [transport charges]
transp. moyen {m} de locomotionmeans {sg} of transport [Br.]
moyen {m} de transport(means of) transportation [Am.]
transp. moyen {m} de transportmeans {sg} of transport [Br.]
transp. moyen {m} de transportmeans {sg} of transportation [Am.]
moyen {m} de transportmeans of transport
moyen {m} de transportmode of transport
nucl. pompe {f} de caloportageheat transport pump
transp. prestation {f} de transporttransport service
fin. transp. prime {f} de transporttravel allowance
écon. transp. secteur {m} des transportstransport sector
écon. transp. secteur {m} du transporttransport sector
transp. titre {m} de transport(travel) ticket
chim. transp. transport {m} de gazgas transport
transports {m.pl} en communpublic transport {sg}
4 Words: Nouns
trains transp. urban transport {m} urbain sur raillight railway
5+ Words: Others
transp. à pied, à cheval, en voiture {adv} [loc.]by whatever means of transport
dans un transport de joie {adv}in raptures
5+ Words: Nouns
phys. équation {f} (de transport) de BoltzmannBoltzmann (transport) equation
mil. naut. navire {m} de transport de troupetroopship
pol. transp. Régie {f} autonome des transports parisiens <RATP>Paris public transport system
transp. système {m} de transport en communmass transit system
transp. système {m} de transport en communmass transport system
transp. système {m} de transport en communmass transportation system
transp. système {m} de transport en communpublic transit system
transp. système {m} de transport en communpublic transport system
transp. système {m} de transport en communpublic transportation system
mil. trains train {m} de transport de troupetroop train
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