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French-English translation for: abandonner qn qc
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Dictionary French English: abandonner qn qc

Translation 1 - 50 of 25926  >>

naut. abandonner qn./qc.to cast sb. ashore [against their will]
abandonner qn./qc.to desert sb./sth.
abandonner qn./qc.to leave sb./sth. [quit, abandon, desert]
abandonner qn./qc.to leave sb./sth. in the lurch [idiom]
naut. abandonner qn./qc.to maroon sb./sth. [put them ashore and leave them to their fate]
naut. abandonner qn./qc.to put sb. ashore [against their will]
abandonner qn./qc. [personne, espoir, essai]to abandon sb./sth. [person, hope, attempt]
Partial Matches
abandonner qc.to give sth. up
abandonner qn. à son (triste) sortto abandon sb. to their fate
s'abandonner dans les bras de qn.to sink into sb.'s arms
s'abandonner à qc.to indulge in sth.
abandonner qc. [une course, etc.]to break sth. [break off]
s'abandonner à qc. [désespoir]to give way to sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [plaisirs]to give oneself up to sth.
s'abandonner à qc. [rêverie]to drift off into sth. [emotionally]
qn. a hâte que qn./qc. fasse qc.sb. can't wait for sb./sth. to do sth.
abandonner espoirto give up hope
dr. abandonner les poursuitesto drop the charges
s'abandonner [s'épancher]to open one's heart [fig.] [idiom]
s'abandonner au désespoirto sink into despair
s'abandonner au sommeilto let oneself drift off to sleep
s'abandonner aux larmesto start weeping helplessly
s'abandonner [se laisser aller]to let one's hair down [coll.] [idiom]
s'abandonner [se laisser aller]to let oneself go
brancher qn. avec qn./qc. [fam.] [mettre en rapport]to put sb. in touch with sb./sth.
être ballotté entre qn./qc. et qn./qc. [loc.]to be torn between sb./sth. and sb./sth. [idiom]
tenir qn./qc. hors de portée de qn./qc.to keep sb./sth. away from sb./sth.
confondre qn./qc. avec qn./qc. (d'autre)to mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. (else)
discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom]to discredit sb./sth. in sb.'s eyes [loc.]
discréditer qn./qc. aux yeux de qn. [idiom]to discredit sb./sth. in the eyes of sb. [loc.]
placer qn. sous la protection de qn./qc.to place sb. under the protection of sb./sth.
se renseigner auprès de qn. sur qn./qc.to ask sb. about sb./sth.
soustraire qn./qc. à la vue de qn.to hide sb./sth. from sb.'s view
dissocier qn./qc. de qn./qc. [séparer]to separate sb./sth. from sb./sth.
lier qn./qc. à qn./qc. [attacher]to bind sb./sth. to sb./sth.
dr. livrer qn. à qn./qc. [criminel, prisonnier]to hand sb. over to sb./sth.
livrer qn./qc. à qn./qc. [abandonner]to abandon sb./sth. to sb./sth.
faire passer qn./qc. avant qn./qc.to put sb./sth. before sb./sth.
mettre qn. en garde contre qn./qc.to warn sb. about sb./sth.
prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc.to prejudice sb. in favor of sb./sth. [Am.]
prévenir qn. en faveur de qn./qc.to prejudice sb. in favour of sb./sth. [Br.]
acclimater qn./qc. à qn./qc.to accustom sb./sth. to sb./sth.
arracher qn./qc. de qn./qc.to snatch sb./sth. from sb./sth.
assimiler qn./qc. à qn./qc.to bracket sb./sth. with sb./sth. [equate]
assimiler qn./qc. à qn./qc.to equate sb./sth. with sb./sth.
assimiler qn./qc. à qn./qc.to liken sb./sth. with sb./sth.
coller qn./qc. à qn. [fam.]to foist sb./sth. on sb.
coller qn./qc. à qn. [fam.]to saddle sb./sth. with sb.
comparer qn./qc. à qn./qc.to compare sb./sth. to sb./sth.
comparer qn./qc. avec qn./qc.to compare sb./sth. with sb./sth.
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