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 | élémentaire {adj} | basic |  |
 | essentiel {adj} | basic |  |
 | foncier {adj} [inné, de fond] | basic |  |
 | fondamental {adj} | basic |  |
 | meub. grossier {adj} [mobilier] | basic |  |
 | comm. cuis. populaire {adj} [restaurant] | basic |  |
 | rudimentaire {adj} | basic [simple, primitive] |  |
 | de base {adj} [postpos.] | basic [skill, knowledge] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | biens {m.pl} de première nécessité | (basic) necessities |  |
 | éduc. formation {f} initiale | basic education |  |
 | éduc. formation {f} de base | basic education |  |
 | besoin {m} vital | basic essentials {pl} |  |
 | trait {m} fondamental | basic feature |  |
 | alim. denrées {f.pl} de consommation courante | basic foodstuffs |  |
 | littérat. canevas {m} [fig.] [d'un roman, exposé] | basic framework [fig.] |  |
 | fin. revenu {m} de base | basic income |  |
 | cuis. base {f} [d'une sauce] | basic ingredient |  |
 | bases {f.pl} [acquis] | basic knowledge {sg} |  |
 | éduc. rudiments {m.pl} | basic knowledge {sg} |  |
 | éduc. connaissances {f.pl} de base | basic knowledge {sg} |  |
 | dr. sci. loi {f} fondamentale | basic law |  |
 | mandat {m} de base | basic mandate |  |
 | math. nombre {m} cardinal | basic number |  |
 | fin. retraite {f} de base | basic pension |  |
 | philos. principe {m} fondateur | basic principle |  |
 | principe {m} de base | basic principle |  |
 | principes {m.pl} fondamentaux | basic principles |  |
 | problème {m} foncier | basic problem |  |
 | fin. tarif {m} de base | basic rate |  |
 | sci. recherche {f} fondamentale | basic research |  |
 | dr. droit {m} fondamental | basic right [fundamental right] |  |
 | dr. droit {m} primordial | basic right [fundamental right] |  |
 | dr. liberté {f} publique | basic right [fundamental right] |  |
 | fin. occup. salaire {m} de base | basic salary |  |
 | sci. science {f} fondamentale | basic science |  |
 | mus. basse {f} fondamentale | basic sound |  |
 | mus. note {f} fondamentale | basic sound |  |
 | mus. son {m} fondamental | basic sound |  |
 | mus. basse {f} fondamentale | basic tone |  |
 | mus. note {f} fondamentale | basic tone |  |
 | mus. son {m} fondamental | basic tone |  |
 | éduc. formation {f} initiale | basic training |  |
 | valeur {f} fondamentale | basic value |  |
 | ling. vocabulaire {m} de base | basic vocabulary |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | assur. méd. assurance {f} de base [assurance maladie] | basic (health) insurance |  |
 | math. opération {f} fondamentale | basic arithmetic operation |  |
 | math. opération {f} fondamentale | basic calculating operation |  |
 | écon. stat. données {f.pl} économiques fondamentales | basic economic data |  |
 | éduc. occup. formation {f} professionnelle de base | basic occupational education |  |
 | éduc. occup. formation {f} professionnelle de base | basic occupational training |  |
 | éduc. communale {f} [vieilli] | basic primary school [Br.] |  |
 | math. théorème {m} de Thalès | basic proportionality theorem |  |
 | méd. sci. nombre {m} de reproduction de base <R0> [épidémiologie] | basic reproduction number <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] |  |
 | méd. taux {m} de reproduction de base <R0> [épidémiologie] | basic reproduction number <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] |  |
 | méd. taux {m} de reproduction de base <R0> [épidémiologie] | basic reproductive ratio <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] |  |
 | écon. pol. revenu {m} universel | unconditional basic income <UBI> |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | éduc. décrasser qn. [fam.] | to give sb. a basic grounding |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | méd. nucl. phys. Pâquerette {f} < ☢ > [ISO 361:1975] [fam.] | (basic) ionizing radiation symbol < ☢ > [ISO 361] |  |
 | méd. nucl. phys. trisecteur {m} < ☢ > [ISO 361:1975] [fam.] | (basic) ionizing radiation symbol < ☢ > [ISO 361] |  |
 | méd. nucl. phys. trèfle {m} radioactif < ☢ > [ISO 361:1975] [fam.] | (basic) ionizing radiation symbol < ☢ > [ISO 361] |  |
 | méd. nucl. phys. symbole {m} (de base) pour les rayonnements ionisants < ☢ > [ISO 361] | (basic) ionizing radiation symbol < ☢ > [ISO 361] |  |
 | inform. système {m} d'entrée / sortie de base | basic input / output system <BIOS> |  |
 | math. opération {f} fondamentale | basic operation of arithmetic |  |
 | écon. fin. taux {m} d'intérêt de base | basic rate of interest |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | Partons du principe que ... | Let us take as a basic principle that ... |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | avoir des notions de qc. | to have a basic knowledge of sth. |  |
 | inform. connaître un peu l'informatique | to have some basic knowledge of computing |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | fin. prélèvement {m} forfaitaire | deduction of tax at the basic rate |  |
 | math. les quatre opérations {f.pl} | the four basic arithmetical operations [addition, subtraction, multiplication, division] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F Basic Instinct | Basic Instinct [Paul Verhoeven (1992)] |  |