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French-English translation for: betting shop
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Dictionary French English: betting shop

Translation 1 - 50 of 151  >>

NOUN   a betting shop | betting shops
comm. jeux bureau {m} de paris [pari]betting shop
Partial Matches
jeux sport pari {m} [activité]betting
jeux dettes {f.pl} de paribetting debts
comm. jeux bureau {m} de paris [pari]betting office
jeux sport bulletin {m} de pari individuelbetting slip
faire des achatsto shop
comm. faire des coursesto shop
comm. faire ses emplettesto shop
comm. faire son marchéto shop
magasiner [can.]to shop
comm. local {m} commercialshop
magasin {m}shop
comm. boutique {f}shop [Br.]
causer travailto talk shop
comm. enseigne {f}(shop) sign
arch. comm. vitrine {f} [devanture de magasin](shop) window
vêt. atelier {m} de retouchesalteration shop
alim. ind. crèmerie {f}cheese shop
arts comm. matériel faïencerie {f} [magasin]china shop
comm. vêt. magasin {m} de confectionclothes shop
café-restaurant {m}coffee shop
comm. magasin {m} d'artisanatcraft shop
comm. coutellerie {f} [magasin]cutlery shop
comm. vêt. magasin {m} de modesfashion shop
comm. fleuriste {m}flower shop
comm. magasin {m} en franchisefranchised shop
comm. meub. magasin {m} de meublesfurniture shop
ganterie {f} [magasin]glove shop
alim. comm. magasin {m} d'alimentationgrocery (shop)
comm. quincaillerie {f}hardware shop
comm. boutique {f} de bric-à-bracjunk shop
comm. maroquinerie {f} [magasin]leather shop
comm. cosm. parfumerie {f} [magasin]perfume shop
auto atelier {m} de réparationsrepair shop
comm. brocante {f} [boutique]secondhand shop
comm. sex-shop {m}sex shop
comm. occup. vendeur {m} [employé de magasin]shop assistant
comm. aides {f.pl} à la venteshop displays
comm. ind. atelier {m} de productionshop floor
arch. comm. devanture {f}shop front
comm. surface {f} commercialeshop space
occup. délégué {m} syndicalshop steward
comm. jouets magasin {m} de jouetstoy shop
courses {f.pl}shop {sg} [shopping]
parler boulot [fam.]to talk shop [coll.]
parler boutique [fam.]to talk shop [coll.]
comm. boutique {f} d'antiquitésantique shop [Br.]
comm. magasin {m} d'antiquitésantique shop [Br.]
comm. magasin {m} d'antiquitésantiques shop [Br.]
édition reliure {f} [métier artisanal]bookbinder's (shop)
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