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French-English translation for: branler du chef
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Dictionary French English: branler du chef

Translation 1 - 50 of 3484  >>

branler du chef [de droite à gauche]to shake one's head
branler du chef [de haut en bas]to nod (one's head)
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occup. Il dépend du chef de service.He reports to the departmental head.
occup. Il dépend du chef de service.He is answerable to the departmental head.
plier devant l'autorité du chefto yield to the leader's authority
branler [dent]to be loose [tooth]
branler [fauteuil]to be rickety
branler [échelle, pile d'objets]to be shaky
branler [échelle, pile d'objets]to be unsteady
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to beat one's meat [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to give oneself one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to have a hand shandy [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to have one off the wrist [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to pull oneself off [vulg.] [idiom] [masturbate]
se branler [vulg.] [se masturber]to wank [esp. Br.] [vulg.] [masturbate]
occup. chef {f}boss [female]
cuis. occup. chef {f}chef [female]
occup. chef {m}boss
cuis. occup. chef {m}chef
chef {m}chief
chef {m}manager
chef {m} [bande]leader
mil. occup. adjudant-chef {m}chief adjutant
mil. adjudant-chef {m}sergeant-major [Am.]
mil. adjutant-chef {m}sergeant-major [Am.]
mil. occup. caporal-chef {m}chief corporal
arts film occup. chef {f} décoratriceart director [female]
arts film occup. chef {f} décoratriceproduction designer [female]
chef {m} cuisinierchef
arts film occup. chef {m} décorateurart director
arts film occup. chef {m} décorateurproduction designer
cuis. occup. chef {m} étoiléstarred chef
occup. sport chef {m} scoutscoutmaster [Br.]
cuis. occup. chef {m} tournantchef tournant [roundsman, floater cook]
adm. chef-lieu {m}administrative center [Am.] [e.g. county seat]
adm. chef-lieu {m}administrative centre [Br.] [e.g. county town]
vêt. couvre-chef {m}headgear
méd. occup. infirmière-chef {m}matron [Br.] [senior female nurse]
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}chief physician
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}head physician
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}principal consultant [Am.] [in hospitals]
méd. occup. médecin-chef {m}senior consultant [Br.]
dr. chef {f} d'accusationcount of indictment
occup. pol. chef {f} d'Étathead of state [female]
mus. occup. chef {f} d'orchestreconductor [female]
mus. occup. chef {f} d'orchestreleader [Am.] [female]
occup. chef {m} d'entreprisecompany boss
occup. chef {m} d'entreprisecompany head
occup. chef {m} d'entreprisehead of a / the company
sport chef {m} d'équipeteam manager
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