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French-English translation for: chocolate
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Dictionary French English: chocolate

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NOUN1   a chocolate | chocolates
NOUN2   chocolate | -
SYNO   chocolate | cocoa ... 
cuis. chocolaté {adj}chocolate [attr.]
cuis. chocolat {m}
2 Words: Others
chocolat {adj} [couleur]chocolate brown
cuis. chocolaté {adj}chocolate-flavored [Am.]
cuis. chocolaté {adj}chocolate-flavoured [Br.]
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. éclair {m}(chocolate) éclair
cuis. tablette {f} de chocolatchocolate bar
cuis. tablette {f} au chocolatchocolate bar [in bar form]
cuis. barre {f} chocolatéechocolate bar [snack]
cuis. brioche {f} au chocolatchocolate brioche
cuis. gâteau {m} au chocolatchocolate cake
cuis. moelleux {m} au chocolatchocolate cake
cuis. papillote {f} [confiserie]chocolate candy [Am.] [wrapped in silver paper]
cuis. pépite {f} de chocolatchocolate chip
cuis. croissant {m} au chocolatchocolate croissant
cuis. pastille {f} au chocolatchocolate drop
cuis. œuf {m} en chocolatchocolate egg
cuis. copeaux {m.pl} de chocolatchocolate flakes
cuis. occup. chocolatier {m}chocolate maker
cuis. occup. chocolatière {f}chocolate maker [female]
cuis. mousse {f} au chocolatchocolate mousse
cuis. crotte {f} de chocolatchocolate praline
cuis. crotte {f} en chocolatchocolate praline
cuis. profiteroles {f.pl} au chocolatchocolate profiteroles
cuis. riz {m} au chocolatchocolate rice
cuis. copeaux {m.pl} de chocolatchocolate shavings
cuis. pâte {f} à tartiner au chocolatchocolate spread
cuis. papillote {f} [confiserie]chocolate sweet [Br.] [wrapped in silver paper]
cuis. truffe {f} en chocolatchocolate truffle
cuis. chocolat {m} noirdark chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} à croquerdark chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} en poudredrinking chocolate [powder]
cuis. copeaux {m.pl} de chocolatgrated chocolate {sg}
cuis. chocolat {m} [boisson]hot chocolate
cuis. fondu {m} de chocolatmelted chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} au laitmilk chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} noirplain chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} à croquerplain chocolate
cuis. chocolat {m} blancwhite chocolate
3 Words: Verbs
cuis. s'interdire le chocolatto keep off chocolate
3 Words: Nouns
cuis. plaquette {f} de chocolatbar of chocolate
cuis. tablette {f} de chocolatbar of chocolate
cuis. ganache {f}chocolate cream filling
cuis. ganache {f} (au chocolat)chocolate ganache (frosting)
cuis. glace {f} chocolatchocolate ice cream
cuis. pavé {m} au chocolatchocolate slab cake
cuis. chocolat {m} chaudhot (drinking) chocolate
alim. mi-cuit {m} au chocolatmolten chocolate cake
4 Words: Verbs
s'empiffrer de chocolatto stuff oneself with chocolate
4 Words: Nouns
alim. cuis. pain {m} au chocolatpastry with chocolate filling
5+ Words: Others
Ce garçon ne se nourrit que de chocolat.This boy only eats chocolate.
5+ Words: Verbs
cuis. avoir une envie de chocolatto have a craving for chocolate
cuis. fourrer qc. au chocolatto put a chocolate filling in sth.
5+ Words: Nouns
alim. cuis. œufs {m.pl} de Pâques fourrés [chocolat]Easter eggs filled with chocolate
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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