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French-English translation for: clair obscur
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Dictionary French English: clair obscur

Translation 1 - 50 of 79  >>

arts clair-obscur {m}chiaroscuro
clair-obscur {m}half-light
clair-obscur {m}semi-darkness
clair-obscur {m}twilight
Partial Matches
obscur {adj}dark
obscur {adj}obscure
obscur {adj}vague
obscur sentiment {m}vague feeling
obscur {adj} [labeur, vie]lowly
zool. T
ichtyo. T
ichtyo. T
ichtyo. T
entom. T
film F Cet obscur objet du désirThat Obscure Object of Desire [Luis Buñuel (1977)]
zool. T
clair {adj}bright [colour, light]
clair {adj}clear
clair {adj}fresh
clair {adj}obvious [clear]
clair {adj} [couleur]light [colour]
biol. clair {adj} [œuf]unfertilised [Br.]
biol. clair {adj} [œuf]unfertilized
cuis. clair {adj} [soupe]thin
cuis. clair {adj} [soupe]watery [soup]
arts clair {m} [couleur]light colour
bleu clair {adj}light blue
arts châtain clair {adj}tan [colour / color]
parfaitement clair {adj}absolutely clear
parfaitement clair {adj}abundantly clear
parfaitement clair {adj}crystal clear
parfaitement clair {adj}perfectly clear
arts rose clair {adj}light pink
vert clair {adj}light green
matériel acier {m} clairbright steel
teint {m} clairclear complexion
teint {m} clairfair complexion
vernis {m} clairclear varnish
vernis {m} clairtransparent varnish
Parlons clair !Let's not mince words ! [idiom]
clair {adj} [cheveux, peau]fair [hair, skin]
textile vêt. clair {adj} [vêtement, tissu]worn through
clair et net {adj}clear-cut
clair et précis {adj}loud and clear
météo. par temps clair {adv}in clear weather
clair {m} de lunemoonlight
météo. clair {m} de lunemoonshine [moonlight]
C'est clair ? [fam.]You got that? [coll.]
mettre qc. au clairto clarify sth.
mettre qc. au clairto clear sth. up
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