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French-English translation for: cross-country
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Dictionary French English: cross country

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sport cross-country {m} [cross]cross country running
sport cross-country {m} [cross]cross-country running
équi. sport cross {m}  cheval]cross country racing
sport cross {m}  pied]cross country running
sport cross {m}  pied]cross-country running
alpin. sport fondeur {m}cross-country skier
à travers champs {adv}cross-country
alpin. sport fondeuse {f}cross-country skier [female]
sport à travers champs {adj} [parcours]cross-country
auto tout-terrain {m} [voiture]cross country vehicle
transversale {f} [route : grande]cross-country route
auto véhicule {m} tout terraincross-country vehicle
sport ski {m} de fond [activité]cross-country skiing
sport piste {f} de ski de fondcross-country ski run
sport piste {f} de ski de fondcross-country ski track
sport piste {f} de ski de fondcross-country ski trail
alpin. sport faire du ski de fondto cross-country ski
sport ski {m} de fond [équipement]cross-country ski
Partial Matches
mus. musique {f} countrycountry music
zool. T
comm. cross-canal {adj}cross-channel
bicyc. sport vélo-cross {m}cyclo-cross
mus. country {m} {f}country music
film F No Country for Old MenNo Country for Old Men [Joel et Ethan Coen (2007)]
rural {adj}country
pays {m}country
croix {f}cross
campagnard {m}country dweller
ruraux {m.pl}country folk
géogr. plaine {f}flat country
géogr. géol. plaine {f}level country
patrie {f}native country
géogr. transfrontalier {adj}cross-border
sociol. intergénérationnel {adj}cross-generational
écon. intersectoriel {adj}cross-industry
pol. transpartisan {adj}cross-party
psych. sociol. vêt. travestisme {m}cross-dressing
pol. panachage {m}cross-voting
campagne {f}country [rural area]
hobereau {m} [péj.](country) squire
géogr. pol. pays {m} tiersanother country
géogr. pays {m} voisinbordering country
mil. pol. nation {f} cobelligérantecobelligerent country
danse bal {m} champêtrecountry dance
danse danse {f} folkloriquecountry dance
campagnarde {f}country dweller [female]
gentilhomme {m} campagnardcountry gentleman
arch. bastide {f} [maison]country house
immo. manoir {m}country house [mansion]
sociol. vie {f} campagnardecountry life
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