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French-English translation for: cul-de-four
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cul-de-four in other languages:

English - French

Dictionary French English: cul de four

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arch. constr. cul-de-four {m}apse
Partial Matches
cuis. outil. cul {m} de poulemixing bowl
cuis. cul-de-poule {m}mixing bowl
cuis. outil. cul-de-poule {m}whisking bowl
trafic cul-de-sac {m}dead-end road
trafic cul-de-sac {m}dead-end street
trains gare {f} en cul-de-sacterminus
cul-de-jatte {m}person with no legs
trains gare {f} en cul-de-sacterminal station
urban impasse {f} [rue sans issue]cul-de-sac [Br.]
cul-de-jatte {f}person with no legs [female]
cul-de-sac {m} [aussi fig.]dead end [also fig.]
cul-de-sac {m} [aussi fig.]impasse [also fig.]
trafic urban voie {f} sans issue [aussi fig.]cul-de-sac [also fig.]
cuis. outil. plaque {f} de fourdrip tray
auto tout-terrain {m} [voiture]four-by-four <4 x 4> [a four-wheel-drive motor vehicle]
phys. champ {m} de jaugeelectromagnetic four-potential
mot {m} de cinq lettresfour-letter word
cuis. pomme {f} de terre au fourbaked potato
cuis. pomme {f} de terre au fourjacket potato
par groupes de quatre {adv}in groups of four
immo. appartement {m} de cinq piècesfour-bedroom apartment [esp. Am.]
occup. prendre quatre jours de congéto take four days off
occup. prendre quatre jours de congéto take four days' leave
zool. T
cuis. petit four {m} {nounnoun} [aussi : petit-four]petit-four
math. théorème {m} de JacobiJacobi's four-square theorem
math. théorème {m} des quatre carrés de LagrangeLagrange's four-square theorem
anat. cul {m} [fam.]backside [coll.]
cul-nu {adj}bare-bottomed
tape-cul {m}seesaw [Br.]
bible relig. Quatre Cavaliers {m.pl} de l'ApocalypseFour Horsemen of the Apocalypse [conquest, war, famine, and death.]
éduc. ling. Chaque faute de grammaire vaut quatre points.You lose four points for each grammatical mistake.
tape-cul {m}teeter-totter [Am.]
bot. T
géogr. hist. pol. Quatre Membres {m.pl} de FlandreFour entities (Bruges, Liberty of Bruges, Ghent & Ypres) forming mediaeval parliament in Flanders between 1386 & 1597.
anat. cul {m} [fam.]butt [Am.] [coll.] [buttocks]
cul-terreux {m} [fam.] [péj.]country bumpkin
lèche-cul {m} {f} [fam.]brown-nose [vulg.]
peigne-cul {m} [fam.] [péj.]slob [coll.]
bot. T
anat. cul {m} [fam.]bum [esp. Br.] [sl.] [buttocks]
peigne-cul {m} [fam.] [péj.]schmuck [Am.] [sl.]
cul par-dessus tête {adv}head over heels
Magne-toi le cul ! [vulg.]Hurry up!
orn. T
littérat. F Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femmeTwenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Woman [author: Stefan Zweig (1927)]
orn. T
cuis. Cul sec !Chug! [to empty the glass in one go]
cul par-dessus tête {adv}head over ass [Am.] [coll.]
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