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French-English translation for: customer.
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Dictionary French English: customer

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

NOUN   a customer | customers
SYNO   client | customer
comm. client {m}customer
comm. consommateur {m} [de café, bar]customer
comm. cliente {f}customer [female]
comm. consommatrice {f} [de café, bar]customer [female]
2 Words: Others
comm. orienté sur la clientèle {adj} {past-p}customer-focused
comm. orienté vers le client {adj} {past-p}customer-focused
2 Words: Nouns
mauvais coucheur {m} [fam.]awkward customer [chiefly Br.] [fig.] [difficult customer]
comm. écon. compte {m} clientcustomer account
comm. carte {f} clientcustomer card
service {m} d'assistance (téléphonique)customer careline
service {m} extérieurcustomer engineering
écon. market. expérience {f} client <CX>customer experience <CX, CE>
comm. market. fidélité {f} clientcustomer loyalty
adm. comm. numéro {m} de clientcustomer number
comm. service {m} clientcustomer service
comm. service {m} clientèlecustomer service
market. témoignage {m} clientcustomer's opinion
comm. fidèle {m} [client]regular (customer)
comm. fidèle {f} [cliente]regular (customer) [female]
comm. chaland {m} [client]regular customer
habitué {m} [magasin, bar]regular customer
comm. client {m} habituelregular customer
client {m} régulierregular customer
comm. chalande {f} [cliente]regular customer [female]
habituée {f} [magasin, bar]regular customer [female]
comm. client {m} habituelrepeat customer
3 Words: Verbs
comm. fidéliser sa clientèleto establish customer loyalty
comm. fidéliser ses clientsto establish customer loyalty
comm. fidéliser sa clientèleto foster customer loyalty
comm. fidéliser ses clientsto foster customer loyalty
3 Words: Nouns
comm. zone {f} de chalandisecustomer catchment area
adm. gestion {f} des relations clientèlecustomer relationship management <CRM>
comm. market. gestion {f} de la relation client <GRC>customer relationship management <CRM>
4 Words: Others
Il est méchant comme la gale. [fam.] [loc.]He's a nasty customer. [idiom]
comm. sans faire payer le client {adv}without charging the customer
4 Words: Verbs
prendre un client [taxi]to pick up a customer
5+ Words: Verbs
satisfaire l'attente d'un clientto come up to a customer's expectations
avoir une sale troncheto look like an ugly customer [coll.]
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