| French | English | |
| détruire qc. | to break sth. into pieces | |
| détruire qc. | to break sth. to bits | |
| détruire qc. | to break sth. to pieces | |
| détruire qc. | to destroy sth. | |
| détruire qc. | to smash sth. (up) | |
| détruire qc. | to smash sth. into pieces | |
| détruire qc. | to smash sth. to bits | |
| détruire qc. | to smash sth. to pieces | |
| détruire qc. | to wreck sth. [ruin] | |
| détruire qc. [illusions] | to shatter sth. | |
| détruire qn./qc. | to annihilate sb./sth. | |
| détruire qn./qc. | to wipe sb./sth. out [idiom] [annihilate] | |
| constr. détruire qc. [clôture, mur] | to demolish sth. | |
| constr. détruire qc. [clôture, mur] | to knock sth. down | |
| méd. détruire qc. [santé, carrière] | to ruin sth. | |
Partial Matches |
| se détruire | to destroy oneself | |
| se détruire | to do away with oneself | |
| détruire qn. aux yeux de qn. [loc.] [discréditer] | to destroy sb. in sb.'s eyes [idiom] [discredit] | |
| dr. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le détruire. | If you receive this message by mistake, please destroy it. | |
| se détruire [l'un l'autre] | to destroy each other | |
| se détruire [l'un l'autre] | to destroy one another | |
| imprimer qc. à qn./qc. [style, direction, orientation, cadence] | to give sth. to sb./sth. | |
| radier qn./qc. de qc. [d'une liste, etc.] | to cross sb./sth. off sth. | |
| radier qn./qc. de qc. [d'une liste, etc.] | to strike sb./sth. off sth. | |
| lancer qn./qc. au travers de qc. avec violence | to smash sb./sth. through sth. | |
| mettre qc. sur le compte de qn./qc. [fig.] | to put sth. down to sb./sth. [attribute] | |
| anat. bot. sylv. ramifier qc. [tronc, tige, nerf, veine] (en qc.) | to branch sth. (to sth.) | |
| remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas] | to bring sb./sth. back up from sth. | |
| remplir qc. [récipient, verre, assiette, sac] (de qc.) | to fill (up) sth. (with sth.) | |
| concevoir qc. [produit, système, projet] (pour faire qc.) | to design sth. (to do sth.) | |
| agir auprès de qn./qc. pour qc. [intervenir] | to approach sb./sth. for sth. | |
| dépendre du fait que qn./qc. fait qc. | to depend on sb./sth. doing sth. | |
| méd. faire une injection de qc. à qn./qc. | to give sb./sth. an injection of sth. | |
| dr. ratisser qc. à la recherche de qn./qc. | to sweep sth. for sb./sth. [e.g. comb an area for sb./sth.] | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (among sb./sth.) | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (between sb./sth.) | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [personnes, terres, d'emplois] (entre qn./qc.) | dividing up of sth. (among sb./sth.) | |
| associer qn./qc. à qc. [faire partager] | to include sb./sth. in sth. | |
| braquer qc. [arme, caméra] (sur qn./qc.) | to point sth. (at sb./sth.) | |
| concevoir qc. [produit, système, projet] (pour qc.) | to design sth. (for sth.) | |
| débarquer qn./qc. [passager, troupe] de qc. | to land sb./sth. from sth. | |
| descendre qn./qc. [en bas] à qc. | to take sb./sth. down to sth. | |
| enliser qn./qc. dans qc. [aussi fig.] | to mire sb./sth. in sth. [also fig.] | |
| imputer qc. à qn./qc. [faire dépendre] | to attribute sth. to sb./sth. | |
| adm. octroyer qc. à qn./qc. [permission, faveur] | to grant sth. to sb./sth. | |
| piquer qc. sur qn./qc. [carte, badge] | to pin sth. on sb./sth. | |
| rapporter qc. de qn./qc. [là-bas] | to bring sth. back from sb./sth. | |
| remonter qn./qc. à qc. [en haut] | to take sb./sth. back up to sth. | |
| submerger qn./qc. [person, organization] (de qc.) | to inundate sb./sth. (with sth.) | |
| complimenter qn./qc. d'avoir fait qc. | to compliment sb./sth. on having done sth. | |