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Dictionary French English: difficult

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

ADJ   difficult | more difficult | most difficult
SYNO   difficult | hard | unmanageable
difficile {adj}
calé {adj} [difficile]difficult
chiant {adj} [fam.] [difficile - chose à faire]difficult
chié {adj} [fam.] [difficile]difficult
compliqué {adj} [problème]difficult
exigeant {adj} [enfant]difficult
malaisé {adj}difficult
pénible {adj} [voyage]difficult
2 Words: Others
bougrement difficile {adj} [fam.]damned difficult [coll.]
2 Words: Verbs
juger qc. difficileto consider sth. difficult
2 Words: Nouns
commencements {m.pl} péniblesdifficult beginnings
question {f} épineusedifficult issue
question {f} difficiledifficult question
question {f} épineusedifficult question
pol. ballottage {m} défavorabledifficult runoff
3 Words: Others
difficilement maîtrisable {adj}difficult to control
malaisé à faire qc. {adj}difficult to do sth.
aviat. mil. difficilement repérable {adj}difficult to locate
sylv. difficilement pénétrable {adj} [forêt]difficult to penetrate [forest]
difficilement repérable {adj}difficult to spot
abscons {adj}difficult to understand [postpos.]
3 Words: Verbs
vivre des temps difficilesto experience difficult times
élever des obstacles [fig.]to make things difficult
4 Words: Others
méd. Ça se soigne difficilement.It's difficult to treat.
Ce n'est pas la mer à boire ! [loc.]It's not that difficult!
4 Words: Verbs
être difficilement vérifiableto be difficult to verify
traverser des heures difficiles [loc.]to go through difficult times [idiom]
vivre des temps difficilesto live through difficult times
savonner la planche à qn. [loc.]to make life difficult for sb.
s'avérer être difficileto prove to be difficult
5+ Words: Others
difficilement maîtrisable {adj}difficult to bring under control
Des choses qui vous gâchent la vie.Things that make life difficult.
5+ Words: Verbs
être difficile à qn. de faire qc.to be difficult for sb. to do sth.
être difficile à vivreto be difficult to get on with
avoir la vie dure [insectes]to be difficult to get rid of [insects]
être difficile d'accèsto be difficult to get to
être d'un accès difficileto be difficult to get to
être difficile à vivreto be difficult to live with
géogr. trafic être difficile de se garer dans Paristo be difficult to park in Paris
être placé devant un choix difficileto be faced with a difficult choice
être dans l'embarrasto be in a difficult position
être dans une mauvaise passeto be in a difficult position
connaître une situation difficileto be in a difficult situation
trouver difficile de faire qc.to find it difficult to do sth.
avoir des problèmes de compréhensionto find it difficult to understand
avoir un mal fou à faire qc. [loc.]to find it incredibly difficult to do sth.
se mettre dans une position difficileto get (oneself) in a difficult situation
se tirer d'embarrasto get oneself out of a difficult situation
sortir de l'ornière [d'une situation difficile] [loc.]to get out of a difficult situation [idiom]
tirer qn. d'embarrasto get sb. out of a difficult situation
tirer qn. d'embarras [situation délicate]to get sb. out of a difficult situation
franchir un cap difficileto get through a difficult period
se compliquer l'existenceto make life difficult for oneself
se compliquer la vieto make life difficult for oneself
placer qn. devant un choix difficileto present sb. with a difficult choice
se mettre en difficulté [fig.]to put oneself in a difficult position [fig.]
se mettre dans une position difficileto put oneself in a difficult situation
mettre qn. en difficulté [fig.]to put sb. in a difficult position [fig.]
passer l'écueilto work around a difficult issue
éviter un écueil [aussi fig.]to work around a difficult issue
5+ Words: Nouns
étape {f} difficile des négociationsdifficult stage in the negotiations
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