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French-English translation for: eau
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Dictionary French English: eau

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NOUN   l'eau | les eaux
eau {f} <H2O>
2 Words: Others
d'eau douce {adj}freshwater [attr.]
2 Words: Verbs
asperger qn./qc. d'eauto spatter sb./sth. with water
naut. faire eauto take on water [due to a leak]
naut. prendre l'eauto let in water
s'imprégner d'eauto soak up water
2 Words: Nouns
outil. adoucisseur {m} d'eauwater softener
tech. arrivée {f} d'eauwater inlet
chim. tech. bain {m} d'eauwater bath
bataille {f} d'eau(water) hose fight
armes mil. bombe {f} d'eaudepth charge
hydro. PoSauv. bouche {f} d'eaufire hydrant
cuis. bouteille {f} d'eaubottle of water
château {m} d'eauwater tower
outil. chauffe-eau {m}water heater
géogr. chute {f} d'eauwaterfall
compteur {m} d'eauwater meter
conduite {f} d'eauwater pipe
hydro. couche {f} d'eauaquifer
hydro. couche {f} d'eauwater layer
hydro. couche {f} d'eaulayer of water
coupure {f} d'eaucutting off of the water supply
géol. cours {m} d'eauwatercourse
cruche {f} d'eauwater-filled jug
hydro. distribution {f} d'eauwater supply
hydro. distribution {f} d'eausupply of water
relig. eau {f} béniteholy water
cosm. dent. eau {f} buccalemouthrinse
cosm. dent. eau {f} buccalemouthwash
cosm. dent. eau {f} buccalemouth rinse
eau {f} chaudehot water
hydro. eau {f} curativecurative water
hydro. eau {f} curativehealing waters {pl}
dent. eau {f} dentifricemouthwash
chim. eau {f} deutérée [HDO]semiheavy water <HDO>
hydro. eau {f} dormantelentic water
hydro. eau {f} dormantestagnant water
hydro. eau {f} dormantestanding water
hydro. eau {f} dormantebody of standing water
eau {f} doucefresh water
eau {f} froidecold water
cuis. eau {f} gazeusesparkling water
nucl. eau {f} lourde [D2O]heavy water
cosm. eau {f} micellairemicellar water
cuis. eau {f} minéralemineral water
eau {f} moiréeshimmering water
chim. eau {f} oxygénée [H2O2]hydrogen peroxide [H2O2]
cuis. eau {f} pétillantefizzy water
cuis. eau {f} pétillantesparkling mineral water
cuis. eau {f} platestill water
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