| French | English | |
| estimer qc. | to estimate sth. | |
| estimer qc. | to valuate sth. | |
| estimer qc. [considérer] | to esteem sth. [consider] [formal] | |
| fin. Unverified estimer qc. [expertiser] | to appraise sth. [value] | |
| fin. Unverified estimer qc. [expertiser] | to assess sth. [value] | |
Keywords contained |
| Unverified estimer qc. inutile | to consider sth. unnecessary | |
| Unverified estimer qc. [penser, juger] | to believe sth. | |
| estimer qc. [penser, juger] | to consider sth. | |
| Unverified estimer qc. [penser, juger] | to think sth. | |
| estimer qn./qc. [respecter] | to esteem sb./sth. [respect] | |
| sous-estimer qn./qc. | to underappreciate sb./sth. | |
| sous-estimer qn./qc. | to underestimate sb./sth. | |
| sous-estimer qn./qc. | to underrate sb./sth. | |
| Unverified sous-estimer qn./qc. | to undersell sb./sth. | |
| sous-estimer qn./qc. | to undervalue sb./sth. | |
| Unverified estimer qc. au pif | to make a guesstimate of sth. | |
| Unverified estimer qc. au pifomètre | to guesstimate sth. | |
| Unverified s'estimer satisfait de qc. | to be happy with sth. | |
| s'estimer qc. [se considérer comme] | to think oneself sth. [to consider oneself as] | |
| Unverified estimer qu'il est bon de faire qc. | to be a believer in doing sth. | |
Partial Matches |
| estimer qn. [respecter] | to think highly of sb. | |
| Unverified s'estimer trahi | to consider oneself betrayed | |
| Unverified estimer unanimement que ... | to be unanimous that ... | |
| Unverified se sous-estimer | to undersell oneself | |
| s'estimer heureux (de) | to consider oneself lucky (to) | |
| Unverified s'estimer satisfait que ... | to be happy that ... | |
| Unverified estimer qn. pour ses qualités humaines | to esteem sb. for their human qualities | |
| Unverified s'estimer heureux d'avoir été sélectionné | to consider oneself lucky to have been selected | |
| Unverified savoir estimer un service à sa juste valeur | to recognise the true value of a favour [Br.] | |
| Unverified savoir estimer un service à sa juste valeur | to recognize the true value of a favor [Am.] | |
| imprimer qc. à qn./qc. [style, direction, orientation, cadence] | to give sth. to sb./sth. | |
| radier qn./qc. de qc. [d'une liste, etc.] | to cross sb./sth. off sth. | |
| radier qn./qc. de qc. [d'une liste, etc.] | to strike sb./sth. off sth. | |
| lancer qn./qc. au travers de qc. avec violence | to smash sb./sth. through sth. | |
| mettre qc. sur le compte de qn./qc. [fig.] | to put sth. down to sb./sth. [attribute] | |
| anat. bot. sylv. ramifier qc. [tronc, tige, nerf, veine] (en qc.) | to branch sth. (to sth.) | |
| remonter qn./qc. de qc. [d'en bas] | to bring sb./sth. back up from sth. | |
| remplir qc. [récipient, verre, assiette, sac] (de qc.) | to fill (up) sth. (with sth.) | |
| concevoir qc. [produit, système, projet] (pour faire qc.) | to design sth. (to do sth.) | |
| agir auprès de qn./qc. pour qc. [intervenir] | to approach sb./sth. for sth. | |
| dépendre du fait que qn./qc. fait qc. | to depend on sb./sth. doing sth. | |
| méd. faire une injection de qc. à qn./qc. | to give sb./sth. an injection of sth. | |
| dr. ratisser qc. à la recherche de qn./qc. | to sweep sth. for sb./sth. [e.g. comb an area for sb./sth.] | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (among sb./sth.) | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [argent, biens, travail, rôles] (entre qn./qc.) | sharing out of sth. (between sb./sth.) | |
| répartition {f} de qc. [personnes, terres, d'emplois] (entre qn./qc.) | dividing up of sth. (among sb./sth.) | |
| associer qn./qc. à qc. [faire partager] | to include sb./sth. in sth. | |
| braquer qc. [arme, caméra] (sur qn./qc.) | to point sth. (at sb./sth.) | |
| concevoir qc. [produit, système, projet] (pour qc.) | to design sth. (for sth.) | |
| débarquer qn./qc. [passager, troupe] de qc. | to land sb./sth. from sth. | |