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French-English translation for: factory fitted
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Dictionary French English: factory fitted

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

ind. monté en usine {adj} {past-p}factory-fitted
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emmanché {adj} {past-p}fitted
meub. cuisine {f} équipéefitted kitchen
constr. cuis. meub. cuisine {f} intégréefitted kitchen
faire mettre qc. en placeto have sth. fitted
meub. moquette {f} [tapis]fitted carpet [Br.]
meub. tapis {m} clouéfitted carpet [Br.]
vêt. redingote {f}fitted coat [for women]
tech. s'encastrer dans qc.to be fitted in sth.
vêt. robe {f} à la taille marquéedress fitted at the waist
vêt. être harnaché de qc. [vêtements]to be fitted out with sth. [clothes]
ind. fabrique {f}factory
ind. usine {f}factory
ind. ex usine {adv}ex factory
ind. monté en usine {adj} {past-p}factory assembled
ind. monté en usine {adj} {past-p}factory installed
ind. industriel {adj}factory-made
comm. cuis. biscotterie {f}biscuit factory
constr. ind. briqueterie {f} [usine]brick factory
ind. cimenterie {f}cement factory
ind. saboterie {f}clog factory
arts matériel faïencerie {f} [usine]earthenware factory
ind. cantine {f} de l'entreprisefactory canteen
agr. élevage {m} en batteriefactory farming
ind. occup. directeur {m} d'usinefactory manager
écon. ind. production {f} des usinesfactory output
écon. ind. production {f} des usinesfactory production
inform. tech. réglage {m} d'originefactory setting
ind. unité {f} de productionfactory unit
comm. cuis. confiturerie {f}jam factory
alim. comm. moutarderie {f}mustard factory
comm. cosm. ind. parfumerie {f} [usine]perfume factory
ind. corderie {f} [atelier]rope factory
ind. savonnerie {f} [usine]soap factory
ind. tuilerie {f} [usine]tile factory
comm. biscuiterie {f}biscuit factory [Br.]
comm. biscuiterie {f}cookie factory [Am.]
ind. occup. directrice {f} d'usinefactory manager [female]
comm. boutique {f} d'usinefactory shop [Br.]
comm. boutique {f} d'usinefactory store [Am.]
comm. usine d'embouteillage de bière {noun}beer-bottling factory
ichtyo. naut. usine {f} flottante de poissonsfloating fish factory
ind. manufacture {f} [usine]factory [of large size]
ind. occup. pointer à l'usine [fam.]to work in a factory
écol. traiter les rejets d'une usineto process the waste from a factory
ind. alimentation {f} d'une usine en charbonsupply of coal to a factory
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