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French-English translation for: female
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Dictionary French English: female

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

ADJ   female | - | -
NOUN   a female | females
SYNO   female | female person | distaff
biol. femelle {adj}female
féminin {adj}female
biol. femelle {f}female
femme {f}female
2 Words: Nouns
hist. suivante {f} [dame de compagnie](female) companion
orn. cane {f}(female) duck
zool. guenon {f}female ape
zool. chamelle {f}female camel
consœur {f} [confrère féminin]female colleague
méd. occup. doctoresse {f} [suisse] [sinon vieilli]female doctor
zool. guenon {f}female monkey
occup. métier {m} de femmefemale occupation
occup. métier {m} de femmefemale profession
zool. rate {f}female rat
sœur {f}female sibling [sister]
toilettes {f.pl} pour damesfemale toilets {pl}
agr. orn. dinde {f}female turkey
audio voix {f} fémininefemale voice
3 Words: Nouns
inconditionnelle {f} de qc.female fan of sth.
anat. sociol. mutilation {f} génitale féminine <MGF>female genital mutilation <FGM>
occup. sociol. travailleuse {f} du sexefemale sex worker
chasse zool. laie {f}female wild boar
occup. surmenée {f} [par le travail]overworked female person
droitière {f}right-handed female
4 Words: Nouns
géogr. sociol. Bruntrutaine {f}female inhabitant of Porrentruy [in Switzerland]
bicyc. tourisme randonneuse {f} à vélofemale touring on bicycle
5+ Words: Others
pol. Elle voulait être la première femme en France à revêtir la tenue présidentielle.She wanted to become the first female French President.
5+ Words: Verbs
reconnaître le mâle de la femelleto tell the male from the female
5+ Words: Nouns
occup. RadioTV théâtre travesti {m} [acteur]actor playing a female role
pol. nataliste {f}female advocate of a higher birthrate
sport canotière {f}female crew member in a canoe
géogr. Méridionale {f} [du sud de la France]female person from the South of France
pol. sociol. binationale {f}female person holding two nationalities [citizenships]
adm. fin. sociol. assujettie {f}female person liable for tax
dr. hist. corvéable {f}female person liable to the corvée
psych. surmenée {f} [nerveusement]female person suffering from nervous exhaustion
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