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French-English translation for: figurer
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Dictionary French English: figurer

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

French English
VERB1   figurer | figure | avoir figuré | figurant
VERB2   se figurer | me figure | s'être figuré | se figurant
SYNO   calculator | computer | estimator ... 
figurer [apparaître]to appear
figurer [apparaître]to emerge
figurer [apparaître]to materialise [Br.]
figurer [apparaître]to materialize [Am.]
figurer [apparaître]to surface
film occup. figurer [cinéma]to be an extra
occup. théâtre figurer [théâtre]to do a walk-on part
figurer qc.to emblematise sth.
figurer qc. [représenter, symboliser]to depict sth.
figurer qc. [représenter]to represent sth.
figurer qc. [représenter]to show sth.
figurer qc. [symboliser]to symbolise sth. [Br.]
figurer qc. [symboliser]to symbolize sth.
2 Words: Verbs
figurer dans qc.to figure in sth. [be included]
figurer dans qc.to be featured in sth.
figurer parmi qc.to be listed among sth.
se figurer qn./qc.to picture sb./sth.
se figurer qn./qc.to visualise sb./sth. [Br.]
se figurer qn./qc.to visualize sb./sth. [Am.]
se figurer qn./qc. [croire]to believe sb./sth.
se figurer qn./qc. [imaginer]to imagine sb./sth.
3 Words: Verbs
faire figurer qc. dans qc.to incorporate sth. in sth.
4 Words: Verbs
figurer dans les annales [loc.]to go down in the annals (of history) [idiom]
figurer dans un rapportto figure in a report
dr. figurer sur un testamentto be mentioned in a will
film pol. théâtre ne faire que figurerto play a minor role
sport ne faire que figurer [dans un classement]to be an also-ran
5+ Words: Verbs
faire figurer qc. dans un rapportto include sth. in a report
éduc. occup. figurer au nombre des élusto be among the successful candidates
figurer en tête de ses prioritésto be high on one's list of priorities
ne pas figurer en tête de ses prioritésto be low on one's list of priorities
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